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FS Passenger and landing with Helicopters - Printable Version

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FS Passenger and landing with Helicopters - cruis - 27-05-2006


I have new user of Fs Passenger and I have problem with landing helicopters on roof of house. I have Uncheck in realism setting (FS9)
detect crash, but when I trying land on roof hospital (heliport on roof) the flight crash and restart flight. I dont know if some setting in FS
passenger can help me. I am member in Virtual Rescue Service Airlines an I flying with Helicopters a lot.

Thank you for Your Answer.
Jirka Kraus

Re: FS Passenger and landing with Helicopters - captain_crunch - 27-05-2006

In FS9, have you also unchecked 'detect collisions' as well as 'detect crash'? I don't think it's FSP that is causing the flight to reset but you
may need to change a couple of settings in the FSP more_option.cfg file as well:

- Navigate to ' C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\FsPassengers\config' (or wherever your FS9 folder is located).

- Double click on 'more_option.cfg'.

- Near the bottom, you will see these two lines:

DisableForceCrashDetection =0; // disable the "force crash detection" feature of FsP
DisableForceCollideDetection =0; // disable the "force collide detection" feature of FsP

Change the '=0' to '=1' in each line.

- Click 'File', then 'Save' and close notepad.