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Help - PMDG 744 Queen & FsP - Printable Version

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Help - PMDG 744 Queen & FsP - pablo_gsxr750 - 26-05-2006

I wonder if anyone could help out so that I can maximise the enjoyment that most of you are obviously getting from using PMDG products
& FsP together especially on longhaul..? Can you provide me with any PMDG/FsP set-up tips and/or tricks as I'm trying before buying to
make sure its worth while..???

For example on the comms panel in PMDG 744 you can switch the seatbelts and smoking signs on and off as you want with switches,
but with FsP running it appears that you have to use a keyboard press function ctrl-shift-b...is there anyway around this for example..?
What about the aircraft failure and sound section, does this overide the PMDG set-up..?

I use FSBuild to produce my flight payload, fuel and flightplan information for the Queen. Can FsP utilise this information or do I have to
duplicate some of the work..? For example V speeds, flight time, payload and fuel requirements etc. Or should I use FSBuild just for the
flightplan and then use FsP for everything else and then go fly the Queen..?

As you can see I'm having a few small issues and not sure which path to follow correctly, so please can you help me out..?

I'll be happy to fly the longhaul thereafter and of course purchase the full working FsP..!

Many thanks...Pablo

Re: Help - PMDG 744 Queen & FsP - Drew - 26-05-2006

Hi and welcome to the forum.

I would suggest doing a forum search, as most of your questions have been covered several times.

also looked in the FAQ....

Failure question....

seat belt (unsure if it works on pmdg)

loading plane,
you can either use the pmdg loader (or some other loader) or the FsP loader. if you prefer to use a different loader, then you need to edit
the payload model, and disable the weight position calculations.