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Vatican is a dangerous place? - Printable Version

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Vatican is a dangerous place? - oldves - 26-05-2006

I have been surprised when I was flying over Vatican city. Suddenly they started to shoot at me! Can I ask you why is Vatican in the list of dangerous
areas? I can't imagine any reason. Thank you.

Re: Vatican is a dangerous place? - highlander - 26-05-2006

The Pope thinks it's clay pidgeon shooting.

Re: Vatican is a dangerous place? - pegase - 26-05-2006

Not easy to tell "like this". Try this experience: Go to the next church, put carefully a single finger tip in the holy water. If it burns like
, then you know, you are simply in devil's possession. If so don't worry, Vatican is a small place and it is eazy to fly around Big Grin

Or, more simple techical way, edit the dangerous zone database
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\FsPassengers\config\dangerous.cfg

and remove the line Vatican City or change the name and move the coordinate into a place matching your personnal convictions... NO iI won't suggest
any example Worship

Re: Vatican is a dangerous place? - fruitfly - 26-05-2006

Swiss guard can be extremely dangerous with their hellebards (halberds?). They can slash your hydraulic system into pieces like
nothing. And man! they can throw these axes mighty high!!!


Re: Vatican is a dangerous place? - aristoteles - 26-05-2006

Pegase, which aircraft is the one from your signature?

Re: Vatican is a dangerous place? - Serviceman - 26-05-2006

Ya got popped with a Papal Pistol.

Re: Vatican is a dangerous place? - pegase - 26-05-2006

Quote:aristoteles wrote:
Pegase, which aircraft is the one from your signature?

the (great) Flight 1 Boeing 727. My favourite plane with the ATR also from Flight 1 and the CS Boeing 707

Re: Vatican is a dangerous place? - the_nick - 27-05-2006

Quote:highlander wrote:
The Pope thinks it's clay pidgeon shooting.
it's because the pope was (is) a "nazi" on training ,he was with hitlers jugend. that's why he is so violent to airplanes he thinks it are the
allies and start shooting at them Smile

Re: Vatican is a dangerous place? - hmdomingos - 12-08-2006

I didn't know Paris was a dangerous area to fly either... but when my passengers became anxious in a flight Paris-Vigo for flying over a
warzone I was puzzled... 'til I saw the war zone database:

The Eiffel Tower