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How to get passengers out? - Printable Version

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How to get passengers out? - oldves - 25-05-2006

Please, help me! I don't know how to open the door so that passengers could get out of the plane. I know that it must have been already written
somewhere, but I can't find it... Help

Re: How to get passengers out? - Drew - 25-05-2006

ctrol+e to open door is the default assignment

you can however just go to the fsp menu after putting on the park brake, and end the flight there

Re: How to get passengers out? - morten17041989 - 25-05-2006

hmm..i thought ctrl+e started the engines, and shift+ e opened the door..

Re: How to get passengers out? - Drew - 25-05-2006

yes that is correct Smile

its shift+e lol

Re: How to get passengers out? - oldves - 25-05-2006

Thank you very much!

Re: How to get passengers out? - poden - 25-05-2006

Yeah, shift-e, and be sure to signal unbuckle seats belts, and the parking brake is on.

Re: How to get passengers out? - Serviceman - 26-05-2006

Ask 'em to help with the dishes, that always works Wink

Re: How to get passengers out? - oldves - 26-05-2006

Quote:Serviceman wrote:
Ask 'em to help with the dishes, that always works Wink
Top That works!

Re: How to get passengers out? - Captain_Smith - 06-06-2006

As people have said, Shift+E to open doors, alternatively, You can select "Hostess close doors" or summat like that, actually i dont no
wether that works for opening them lol

Re: How to get passengers out? - RonMac - 07-06-2006

Quote:oldves wrote:
Please, help me! I don't know how to open the door so that passengers could get out of the plane. I know that it
must have been already
somewhere, but I can't find it... Help

Have me as pllot.

For reasons unclear they all want out before Ihave stopped on tarmac? Just wanting to tell everyone what a great
flight they had!

Stunt flying a 737 is surely worth telling about?