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fuel consumption rate - Printable Version

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fuel consumption rate - Landmark Airlines - 21-05-2006


i am new here,and i need some help.

does anyone know the fuel consumption rate of these 4 aircraft?

Cessna 208B

Please give it in pounds per hour.

thanks a lot.

Re: fuel consumption rate - Sovek - 21-05-2006

The 737 runs at about 2,000 to 3,000 PPH, the 208 cruising at about 140 knots runs about 300 PPH

Re: fuel consumption rate - the_nick - 21-05-2006

sovek at wich altitude you are speaking? because the altitude also makes a difference

Re: fuel consumption rate - ivo - 22-05-2006

he's probably talking about CRZ alt. Maybe about FL300 in the 737 and around 8,000 feet in the 208.

Re: fuel consumption rate - Landmark Airlines - 22-05-2006


I was talking about fuel burn rate at cruise speed and altitude which is what ivo said.

and i'd like to confirm this,sovek said that the 737 runs at 300 PPH but my friends at my VA say that it is approx. 5000PPH.

and also the FF for the C208 at 160kts.


Re: fuel consumption rate - Mick - 22-05-2006

Quote:Landmark Airlines wrote:
does anyone know the fuel consumption rate of these 4 aircraft?

Cessna 208B


I don't have it in pounds only but sometimes also kg/h. But maybe you can calculate it yourself (1 kg = 2.2046226218487758072297380134503 lbs)

Here my data I use with FsNavigator and FsPassengers:

PMDG Boeing 737-800
climbfuel=8781 kg/h
cruisefuel=2885 kg/h
descentfuel=2804 kg/h

PMDG Boeing 747
climbfuel=32053 kg/h
cruisefuel=11500 kg/h
descentfuel=11200 kg/h

Boeing 777
climbfuel=38000 lbs/h
cruisefuel=23000 lbs/h
descentfuel=5600 lbs/h

Cessna C208 Caravan Amphibian
climbfuel=380 lbs/h
cruisefuel=320 lbs/h
descentfuel=150 lbs/h

Cessna C208B Grand Caravan
climbfuel=400 lbs/h
cruisefuel=320 lbs/h
descentfuel=150 lbs/h

Hope it helps!


Re: fuel consumption rate - Landmark Airlines - 23-05-2006

Thanks Mick!

You have helped me figure out the 777.

I kept thinking that what i saw was wrong as it seemed to use more fuel than the 747Smile


Re: fuel consumption rate - AKLupine - 23-05-2006

on fuel rates remember that the higher you fly and the longer your flight, the lower your average. I logged the consumption on all my aircraft once
so I could plot out just how far I could make it. As a safe "wag" plan on ~2200 pph per engine on narrow body two holers. My 732 burns just under
5K/hour and my 752 about 3200. Once you have made a few flights you can get a trend for a given aircraft and judge from there a more acurate fuel
burn Smile Happy Flights!