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Inflight emergency - Printable Version

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Inflight emergency - contrail - 14-05-2006

So I was enroute to my destination in my brand new 737-700 when I suffered an inflight emergency. I had a cracked window which
obviously caused a decompression. I returned safely to the airport, and everything was smooth. After the flight I went to check the
maintenance needed to fix the aircraft and there was no mention of any needed Wonder not that I am complaining not extra cost but find
it strange

Re: Inflight emergency - KDAY - 14-05-2006

The passengers decided it was a bit too drafty inside and fixed it up for you.

Re: Inflight emergency - jboweruk - 14-05-2006

Did you get points for an emergency?

Re: Inflight emergency - contrail - 15-05-2006

Yes I received good credit for being an exceptional pilot and the flight ended with the passengers applause Flower

Re: Inflight emergency - poden - 15-05-2006

The actual repair must have been accomplished with a $1.00 tube of super glue. Smile