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FsPassengers - Mikecd04 - 12-05-2006

I purchased this addon this morning and im just here to tell you after my first flight, how impressed i am, for the price yousimply cant got
wrong, never have i enjoyed MS FS9 as much. Thank you for an excellent addon, its really improves the quality of play

Re: FsPassengers - Drew - 12-05-2006

Welcome Mike. You will never fly again without it Smile

Re: FsPassengers - ivo - 12-05-2006

Welcome Mike Smile. I hope you enjoy FsP for many months to come.

Re: FsPassengers - DanSteph - 13-05-2006

Welcome here Mike.

Are you related to Orbiter ? your email...



Re: FsPassengers - Mikecd04 - 13-05-2006

Thanks, I dont think ill ever fly again without it, its only recently that ive had time to start using Flight Sims again, and i still had FS2002 as
installed as of thursday, This addon is ultimatly what made my descion to go out an upgrade on friday morning

No, im not related to Orbiter, what about email, sorry im confused Huh

Re: FsPassengers - DanSteph - 13-05-2006

Because in Orbiter community there was a user "linking park"
so I thought it was perhaps you Smile

If you don't know Orbiter see my site about it: http://orbiter.dansteph.com/

Best regards


Post Edited ( 05-13-06 17:58 )

Re: FsPassengers - Mikecd04 - 13-05-2006

thanks, ill download that, looks excellent, funnily enouhg just out of intrest i have seen this been sold on ebay before, i didnt know it was

Re: FsPassengers - hmdomingos - 11-08-2006

Since I tried it I never flew again without it... almost 300 hrs now Applause

Thank You !!