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Hearing Flight Attendants / Cabin Crew on PA system. - Printable Version

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Hearing Flight Attendants / Cabin Crew on PA system. - Adam - 16-03-2005

I think it would be good if you could hear the Crew on the PA system. Im not sure if this is already a feature, it would also be great if the
captain had to speek on the PA system, to keep his passengers happy! Could someone tell me if this feature is in the program. - I cannot
find it! And Dan if you'd concider this to be a feature?

Re: Hearing Flight Attendants / Cabin Crew on PA system. - DanSteph - 16-03-2005

Sure there is currently 82 sound yet from the crew attendant and copilot
and the count is growing...

If "automatic crew" option is enabled the hostess will make all the announce
automaticly; welcome aboard, security,fasten belt, climbing, cruise, descending,
prepare for landing , thanks you to have... etc etc.

The announce are fully interactive to give an example of what can happen in flight
with sounds:

If you have a failure you press CTL+SHIFT+M or click on "emergency call" in the menu ***
you'll then hear your copilot call a "mayday" or a "pan" if the failure is not too bad.
somes second later you'll then hear your hostess announcing that "we have a problem...emergency landing..."
on the PA and give somes consignes to the passengers, right after this call
you'll see the adrenalin level of your passengers raising (no one can hear such message
and stay cool)

The plane is now in "Emergency mode" all the incoming crew call will be related.

The hostess will then announce the "descending for emergency landing", "prepare
for landing"

once landed an near stop you'll hear the firetruck siren comming and the hostess
will announce the "please remain in your seat until stop" and then the
"evacuate the plane..." announce.

Notice if you have a bad failure aboard and you land nicelly and saffely you may hear
the passengers applauding in your back.

Time to stop the "FsP" flight and see the final report and your flight result.

You'll be able to see the complete report at any time later given you have registered this flight.
(in "automatic register" mode you don't have the choice, the flight is registered and if your pilot
is dead... the end... that feature is for experienced pilot that want challenge only)


*** note: you must have a REAL failure before launching a mayday otherwise many peoples
will not be happy of this false call and you'll lose points and your company be fined.

Post Edited ( 03-16-05 17:31 )