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your own logo - Printable Version

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your own logo - myers62 - 11-04-2006

can anyone tell me how to make my own logo? is it hard to do? what software do you need and can you explain in more detial.


Re: your own logo - WBHoenig - 11-04-2006

'Tis easy from what I know, you can even do it in Paint. It just has to be a certain resolution and saved as a certain file name (forgot what they
were - probably in the mighty FAQ).

Re: your own logo - runibl - 11-04-2006

Yep, it's in the manual.

This is from the manual:
Simply open the directory “FsPassengers/logo” and copy your logo in JPG format with a size of exactly 181x44 into it.
The logo must have the exact same name as your pilot or company and with ".jpg" at the end (not "jpeg").

You want to add a logo for the company "Air Travel”. You must add in this logo folder a JPG image named "Air Travel.jpg".
If you want to add a logo for your pilot "Barry Ellington". You must add a JPG image named "Barry Ellington.jpg".

Just use any paint program you have.

Re: your own logo - jck711 - 25-07-2006

Quote:runibl wrote:
Yep, it's in the manual.

This is from the manual:
Simply open the directory “FsPassengers/logo” and copy your logo in JPG format with a size of exactly 181x44 into it.
The logo must have the exact same name as your pilot or company and with ".jpg" at the end (not "jpeg&quotWink.

You want to add a logo for the company "Air Travel”. You must add in this logo folder a JPG image named "Air Travel.jpg".
If you want to add a logo for your pilot "Barry Ellington". You must add a JPG image named "Barry Ellington.jpg".

Just use any paint program you have.
were is jpg

Re: your own logo - the_nick - 25-07-2006

just make a pic of the right size (size writen in the FAQ) and save it as an jpg . you can do this with paint.

Re: your own logo - jck711 - 26-07-2006

thanks i haved found it! but how do I get it in fspassenger?

Post Edited ( 07-26-06 19:48 )