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bug in fs2004 - Printable Version

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bug in fs2004 - elton - 08-09-2023

everything happens normally on takeoff. flaps and gear down all ok.

When landing, problems arise. flaps and gear do not go down, making it impossible to land.

this happens on 4 different aircraft.

the failure settings are all off.

RE: bug in fs2004 - Joeflyer - 09-09-2023

Hi elton, strange indeed. Is each aircraft freeware addon, payware or default? Have you checked the FS9 settings to make sure flaps and gear settings are correct?

RE: bug in fs2004 - elton - 09-09-2023

I tested it on 2 freeware, I didn't test it on default. the defect appears a few times, once the bug happens, once nothing happens. I have already uninstalled it and will install it again later.

RE: bug in fs2004 - Joeflyer - 12-09-2023

Good luck!