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Is food service hardcoded? - Printable Version

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Is food service hardcoded? - hansaverdung - 12-10-2022

Hello all, a FS2004/FSPax holdout here...

I have a question: Can I alter the number of times food is served? When we all started our FSPax journez, the longest flights were about 14 h long and Dan prepared FSPax for them... but the 772LR/A350ULR pair opened up new possibilities, and mz VA is currently flying some ULR flights to reflect the pandemic-induced phenomenon of Indian tourism to Cancun (VECC-MMUN takes around 17 h); this is too long for FSPax's catering and I run out of food mid-flight.

RE: Is food service hardcoded? - Joeflyer - 12-10-2022


Yes, food service is hard coded. Here's a thread for you peruse regarding the topic:


I suspect paxs may become a little hungry during flight if you are doing 14 to 17 hour flights. Check the inflight report
to see how long it will be before paxs need to be fed.