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FSX-SE crash / no error - Printable Version

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FSX-SE crash / no error - Ulrich Seeckt - 10-09-2022

Since a couple of days FSX crashes to desktop when closing the company manager without any error message. Nothing new was installed.

A little help would be nice.

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Joeflyer - 12-09-2022

(10-09-2022, 12:31 PM)Ulrich Seeckt Wrote: Since a couple of days FSX crashes to desktop when closing the company manager without any error message. Nothing new was installed.

A little help would be nice.

Hi Ulrich,

No error messages in the Event Viewer? And, are you able to use FsP-SE at all? I'm wondering if -SE has been updated recently. This will usually render FsP useless. Dan would need to update FsP if so. Or, it could be something totally unrelated.

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Ulrich Seeckt - 13-09-2022

Hi Joe,

for what reason ever today it worked.

I'll send the log if the crash occurs again

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Ulrich Seeckt - 14-09-2022

Here is the log for today. FSX crashed again after closing company manager.

Unfortunately I don't know how to send the file. Therefore this way:

FsPassengers X ver. Jan 23 2016
LOG started 14.09.2022 - 09:45

Start of FsPassengersX.dll
Selected Language:English
No keyboard.ini to load - ok
Getting FSX version
FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
Fsx path: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX
FsP path: C:\Users\Public\Documents
Loading config file
Nbr of currency found in file: 7
Selected currency:Dollars
Nbr of inflation data found 113
Config file saved
Start Init Failures
End Init Failures OK. Nbr of failures: 40
searching music collection
Music found: 8

Module and mem Listing. Please report those in case of CTD >>>:
bin\nodump.txt found, no module and memory listing
End of module listing
All init completed ok - run addon
SimConnect_Open - OK
SimConnect_CallDispatch - OK
End of initialisation - OK
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Correcting payload station nbr. Original was: 3
payload count 6
Payload ini> search loadmodel for: Twin Otter ADLAIR C-GFYN
Payload ini> Loading : twin otter
Payload ini> Loaded: twin otter.ini
payload count 6
Payload ini> Zero Cg Pos found: 0.32483
original CGPos= 0.35633
payload count 6
Payload ini> search passenger lon: -4.56 lat:52.11 maxpass: 17
Payload ini> zone nbr: 0 use zone list name (self-1): 0 passengers found 19
payload count 6
payload count 6
payload count 6
Fixed gear aircraft, force belly landing disabled
ATC Aircraft MTOW is: 12500.00000
Current flight number: 5489
changed to: BFL54
Heavy flag not set
Starting FsPassengers adventure
Total Percentage of failure= 0
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag end
Loading Crew sound from user chosen directory Sound/CrewPack\English_DavidAndLauren\
no sound text in the user directory, use defaut text
Disabled penalty flag 65278
Call function GAFFA4645
END function GAFFA4645 found: 52
Call function RAFF43587
End function RAFF43587
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Movies_choices.cfg loaded movies availables: 6
Config file saved
Gps release
Ending FsPassengers adventure
Call function RAFF234GF
End function RAFF234GF
CALC-> START of aircraft degradation---------------------------------------
CALC->AircraftDecradationRate[AircraftIndex]= 3.10483
CALC->Totalhours= 1.15472
CALC->Totaldegradation rate= 1.89347
CALC->Penality_RollOnWrongSurfaceDeparture rate= 0.00000
CALC->Penality_RollOnWrongSurfaceArrival rate= 0.00000
CALC->Penality_UsedParkingBrakeWithSpeed rate= 0.00000
CALC->Penality_MadeBellyLandingSpeed rate= 0.00000
CALC->CrashValueToAddToRate= 0.00000
CALC-> END---------------------------------------
Flight made, new oil market price calculated
Call function RAFF43587
End function RAFF43587

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Joeflyer - 14-09-2022

Thanks for the crash report Ulrich. Nothing seems to "jump out" as far as the culprit of the crash...as far as I can see. Is it a particular type of aircraft that you use when this happens? Or does it happen with other aircraft as well?
You've been using FsP-SE for quite some time, correct?

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Ulrich Seeckt - 15-09-2022

For the time being I'm on the road with DHC6. Tomorrow I can try a different.

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Ulrich Seeckt - 17-09-2022

Today I tried it with the Beech Baron and everything worked wonderfully. But, even with the DHC6 it works occasionally. I'll try a few more in the coming week.

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Ulrich Seeckt - 24-09-2022

With the DC3 everything worked well.

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Ulrich Seeckt - 29-09-2022

The DC6 was well also.

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Ulrich Seeckt - 04-10-2022

Everything was fine with the Curtiss. Apparently the error corrected itself.

RE: FSX-SE crash / no error - Joeflyer - 04-10-2022

Thanks for the updates Ulrich. Yes, sometimes software can get weird...something can go awry during each reboot of a pc. Never know!