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[Solved]Unlock Key for FS9 - Printable Version

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[Solved]Unlock Key for FS9 - Concorde147 - 12-08-2018

Hi there,

I used to use FSPassengers a lot but haven't loaded up FS9 for a long time. Just started getting back in to it and want to unlock FSPassengers so I can start plotting routes out from other airports. I would get FSX but I use SSTSIM Concorde which is only compatible on FS9 and I have the demo installed so I just need to purchase the unlock key. 

Should I still go through the process of downloading it or can I just get the unlock key? It's no biggie to download as it's only 27Mb but I'm not sure if it will download it fully unlocked or download the demo and also provide the unlock key. I've noticed a few threads (not many but a handful) of users having problems with their install becoming blocked requiring a manual unblock so I would like to purchase it in a way that reduces or eliminates the risk of that happening.

Thanks for any advice,


RE: Unlock Key for FS9 - Concorde147 - 12-08-2018

Please ignore the above because I've just purchased it and it's now unlocked. I should have done this a long time ago!!

For the benefit of anyone with the same question to purchase it you need to create an account at flightsimstore.com first and then go through the payment process. The unlock key is then accessed via your flightsimstore.com account after the purchase has been completed. It's a breeze.

RE: Unlock Key for FS9 - Joeflyer - 13-08-2018

Thanks for the update