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No Response from FsP suport. - Printable Version

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No Response from FsP suport. - Micheal Norford - 23-03-2018

Hi All,
I have purchased FsP from The FlightSim Store and I,m running it on an XP computer. the Demo ran perfectly But after I unlocked it it ran for two flights and then black screen after i load the aircraft. I came here and found a thread that that had common problems with fake passwords and was told to contact Dan with the link at the bottom of page. I have done this a week ago and have heard nothing not even a confirmation Email.
Can any body help please?

RE: No Response from FsP suport. - Joeflyer - 24-03-2018

I answered you in another thread. But, I will answer here, too. Keep sending Dan emails about it. I know it's frustrating but keep doing it. I will send him an email as well.

Edit: Email sent to Dan

RE: No Response from FsP suport. - Micheal Norford - 24-03-2018

Thanks Joe, only 16 hours to get a response. that's got to be a record. are you the only moderator for the site?
If so then I can understand.
Thanks again I'll keep trying Dan have sent two Emails now I hope I don't get shoved into his Spam folder.

RE: No Response from FsP suport. - Joeflyer - 24-03-2018

It seems I am the only active moderator here. I haven't seen a response from Dan yet. I doubt your email will go into his spam folder though since it originates from here.

RE: No Response from FsP suport. - DanSteph - 26-03-2018

Dear Michael,

As it's a "one man company" I answer mails everyday during the week and relax the week-end.
I just answered your saturday's mail.

Kind regards
