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[Suggestion] Grounding airplanes during maintance - Printable Version

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[Suggestion] Grounding airplanes during maintance - Andre Krun - 08-12-2017

Hello, this is my first post here.
When one of my airplanes break, I simulate a grounding for maintance, with a time lapse depending of damage extension, the landing airport movement and size, and distance for my main base airport. For example, if my airplane suffer a bird strike, I leave her grounded for a 1-1,5 week, or sufficient time for logistic, new engine transport, replace and tests.
FsPassengers fixes airplanes in a click. Will more realistic if this addon have a native funtion like this, including for the 25 and 100 hours maintance.

RE: [Suggestion] Grounding airplanes during maintance - Joeflyer - 18-12-2017

Good point, but if you only have one airplane, FsP makes it easier for you to get airborne again Smile

RE: [Suggestion] Grounding airplanes during maintance - iflyfsx - 10-01-2018

I wouldn't mind something like that. Until then, I ground them "manually."