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ice on runaway - Printable Version

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ice on runaway - Japo32 - 15-03-2005

Hello. I know that this is not really part of fspassengers.. and that you can find it on Alert pro!!, but it would be nice to detect ice runaways
and rainy firms, so it's harder to land.

Another thing. I you don't fix your aircraft, they your company could be sent to a judcement if you have an accident and you didn't fix your
plane on time (just let it flight more times), and your country can put a penalty for that.

Re: ice on runaway - DanSteph - 15-03-2005

FsP detect at least rain and snow and you have a bonus if you land safelly with those conditions.
also if you start with a "crappy" aircraft and you have a problem that end badly
you will have somes additionnal penality because of the bad condition of the aircraft...
