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Don't you just hate it when.............. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Don't you just hate it when.............. (/showthread.php?tid=16000)

Don't you just hate it when.............. - gbapache - 07-09-2012

You pull off of the runway and cross the IFR marking on the taxiway and it's CTD. Default airport, so I don't want to hear how to fix it Smile

Just for giggles I started this thread for people who want to vent. Beer

Re: Don't you just hate it when.............. - timtomairways - 08-09-2012

when you pull offa perfect flight, with perfect landing, and right on scedual. only to find a AI aircraft in your parking spot. but since i learned the FSX
traffic explorer, thats no longer a problem.

Re: Don't you just hate it when.............. - Recon - 09-09-2012

Yup same here:

Had a long flight all perfect nice landing,....taxi to the gate,...and poof,.....black screen of death. Rant

Re: Don't you just hate it when.............. - gbapache - 09-09-2012

With the black screen of death then you get that box that says Flight simulator is not responding and will restart. Wall
It makes me want to throw my whiskey glass at the screen. But I don't. Beer

Re: Don't you just hate it when.............. - timtomairways - 09-09-2012

Quote:gbapache wrote:
With the black screen of death then you get that box that says Flight simulator is not responding and will restart. Wall
It makes me want to throw my whiskey glass at the screen. But I don't. Beer

knowing you apache. your screen is probly one of thoue old monitors that is the size of lawn mower. so go-ahead, it probly wont hurt it.

Re: Don't you just hate it when.............. - gbapache - 09-09-2012

You are right Tim. Smile As everyone knows, I am using a Commador 64 from 1982 and a 13" B/W tv. My glass wont hert it.

Re: Don't you just hate it when.............. - timtomairways - 10-09-2012

we recently accuiered a HDtv. so i was moveing our old TV out of the house into a building in our backyard. its one of the last modles of TV to come
out befor flat scrrens. the SOB weighs a dam ton. to move it i had to use one of thoues little green wagons that can hold like 600lbs. you kno they are
in the garden section at the home deput