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Problems maintaining speed above FL210 - Printable Version

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Problems maintaining speed above FL210 - gazpode_l - 02-11-2011

I'm trying to pilot a POSKY B-767. It performs quite well on take-off and seems to climb ok. However, it appears I can only operate it cruising
around FL180. Anything above that I seem to have problems maintaining speed above 210knt indicated speed.

All the other stock a/c and other plane's i've downloaded are unaffected, apart from my vistalines 737-500 which appears to be similarly

Any help appreciated.

Re: Problems maintaining speed above FL210 - gbapache - 02-11-2011

Above FL180 you need to 1) hit the "B" key to turn your altimeter to standard air pressure and 2) above FL180 you should fly a mach speed
not IAS. 210 IAS above transition alt. could be 400 kts GS.

Re: Problems maintaining speed above FL210 - Joeflyer - 02-11-2011

Could it be something that's foul in the aircraft .cfg or air file? If all other aircraft are performing without this issue, I would think there's a
problem in the particular software.

Re: Problems maintaining speed above FL210 - timtomairways - 03-11-2011

before we start messing with the CFG. id suddgest flying with a Mach instead of IAS

In the FSX default 737 i use 280KIAS to climb between 10000 and 20000. at 20000ft 280IAS is Mach0.60, i then use Mach hold to stay at .60 as i

the speeds would be diffrent in the 767. but i would assume as simmiler procedure would be used.

Re: Problems maintaining speed above FL210 - timtomairways - 03-11-2011

i went and read the Pilot Operations manual for the B767 in my Virtual Airline. wich is based on the POSKY 767.

I got this from the Abreviated climb procedure

inital rate of climb 3000ft/min at 250KIAS to 10,000ft
at 10,000 lower nose and accelerate to cruise climb of 300KIAS or greater, and climb at 1800ft/min
at FL180 reset Altimiters to standered
at FL270 reduce climb rate again to 500-1000ft/min
continue climb to cruise altitude and adgust rate of climb to not exceed Vmo. )you may find that 88%N1 equates into a level 0.80 cruise)

that may or may not help

Re: Problems maintaining speed above FL210 - gazpode_l - 04-11-2011

thanx for your views guys...ill try out tinytoms advice when im home later tonight and see what i come up with.