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LevelD and brakes - Printable Version

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LevelD and brakes - Olympic260 - 07-12-2007

Sorry if this is the correct forum...

I am using FS9.1 all patches of LevelD. I have FSpassengers which I am always using and FSINN for online flights. The problem I am
having isn't happening all the time.

While during taxi the brakes are working correclty some times when I land the brakes simply don't engage. No matter how soft or hard I
land the autobrakes remains at 2 for example without any braking. By pressing the tow brakes the autobrakes are disarming but the
brakes won't engage. I have to stop with reverser. By engaging the parking brake I am having the parkign brake engage message but teh
aircraft continues to move. No malfactions are presnet to 767 or FSpassengers.

Just to add I have also FSX and LevelD for FSX installed but hardly use it.

Any Ideas?


Re: LevelD and brakes - crowebird - 08-12-2007

not sure but did you go to http://www.leveldsim.com and go to the forums there? They would probably have a better answer, but you will need
to register first, which is easy as long as you have proof of purchase. I do know of compatibility problems between FsInn and LevelD
though, but I never have heard of it affecting the breaks... the first step of troubleshooting you could try is completely uninstalling FsInn,
other than that I have no idea.