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Turbulent rattle? - Printable Version

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Turbulent rattle? - dannyboy2005 - 18-06-2007


Dose anyone know where i can get a sound that a shaking, squeeking noise inside the aircraft when there is turbalance. You must have
been on a flight and herd this.


Re: Turbulent rattle? - abd zibdeh - 19-06-2007

u mean the sound like something hit another thing ? i think u can use the touch down sound it would be alittle close but i dont
recommend to use the touch down voice,try to search for it in avsim.

ill try to do it my self but the problem is that i dont know how to put it in fs so that it work when there is turbulance, i can make the audio file
and if anyone can help me to install it in fs that would be gr8

Re: Turbulent rattle? - dannyboy2005 - 19-06-2007

I was on about the lockers ratteling and seat belts shaking, that noise. If you manage to download a good-on et me know and i'll help you
install it!

Re: Turbulent rattle? - Anastasios - 19-06-2007

I don't believe that there is a possibility of activating a sound during turbulence...

It would be great, it is mentioned before.


Re: Turbulent rattle? - dannyboy2005 - 19-06-2007

Ok, so i take it its not in FSX? (I cant be arsed to wait 5 minutes to load a flight just to see, somone please check next time their flying)

Re: Turbulent rattle? - Needle - 06-12-2007

I know, old post Wink

I have been playing with this idea for the last couple of days.
There's a way to play a sound during turbulence, but it will need a (invisible) gauge.

Doug Dawson has created such a gauge (Soundgauge) which can play a sound triggered by certain conditions, like turbulence.

Only problem is, that FS doesn't have a variable to define turbulence.

Dan must have used some other way to define turbulence within FSP, like strong variation in windspeed, direction etc.
If we'd only knew what Dan has used to implement this in FSP, I'd say there's a way to make this happen Smile

Perhaps Dan is willing to provide this info and I will turn to Rob Barendregt (master of XML gauges) to create the gauge.
This way, when the pax are afraid of the turbulence, the (invisible) gauge will kick in and play the rattle sound!

Dan, would you be so kind to share this little secret with us?
(you may contact me at adeelen at planet dot nl)


Re: Turbulent rattle? - Jambone - 06-12-2007

How bout a variable of the wind being a certain speed Wink

Re: Turbulent rattle? - Needle - 06-12-2007

The wind being at a certain speed is not complete enough, it should (in some way) consider the sudden variation in wind speed and
wind direction. Perhaps even an altitude shift also.

This is too complex to figure out by myself and even more complex to get it in line with FSP turbelence Hunappy

I'm still hoping Dan will provide the Lvars neccesary. So.....Dan?