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Tail strike limit on FSPassengers and Concorde on landing help. - Printable Version

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Tail strike limit on FSPassengers and Concorde on landing help. - Fritz Bayerlein - 25-11-2005

Howdy mates,

We were just having this discussion in another thread. I brought a Concorde down the other night at a 10.96° pitch. Pagir pointed out
that the tail strike trigger in FSPassengers is set at 11°. A typical good landing in the Concorde is done at AoA as high as 11°. This is
normal. The difference between a half-degree can be as dramatic as 2-300FPS on the landing.

Is it confirmed that tail-strike in FSP is set at 11°? If so, is there any way to change this? I should be able to land at up to 12.5° or so in
the Concorde without issue.

The only alternative to this is landing at a higher speed, but I would like to avoid this if possible! It freaks me out coming in as hot I have
to now and increasing that speed would be very bad for me.