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How does adding more pilots help? - Printable Version

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How does adding more pilots help? - g48dd - 14-11-2005

I am playing in the economic mode, I have only the planes it took to get me up to mmmmmm I think I am C4, I am now flying my
PMDG737-600. Anyway I can see that when I have good flights the other aircraft make money and when I really screw up they do nothing.
I have not started any new pilots but I was thinking about it. Really it would make since to me that you should not be making money on
your other aircraft unless you had pilots to fly them but that might make things drag out to much for some. So if I start adding pilots do I
start making more dollars? cause I need morrrreeeeeeeeeee mmmmoooonnnneeeeeyyyyyyyy. Of course it should start coming a little
faster now that I have the 737 flying.


Re: How does adding more pilots help? - Sovek - 14-11-2005

adding more pilots will not help you, read the Holly FAQ, someone inform this wicked pagan the ways of the Holly FAQ lol

Re: How does adding more pilots help? - jeremy19446 - 14-11-2005

its the Mighty FAQ

Re: How does adding more pilots help? - jboweruk - 14-11-2005

Worship Worship Worship the holy FAQ.

Actually it can help, if you have instant record on and you crash, and get hurt, you can use one or your other pilots till your main one gets

Re: How does adding more pilots help? - Dutch64 - 14-11-2005

Praise the holy FAQ! [Image: medium.gif]

Re: How does adding more pilots help? - bdlong - 14-11-2005

need more more - get a second job..... Smile

go into your payload model and change some, or all, of your seats from economy to first class or even VIP - Since your charging more for these seats,
you'll get a greater income in a shorter amount of time. to be fair, you may want to reduce the number of seats in the "economy class" since your
passengers would expect the first class - wider seats.


Re: How does adding more pilots help? - g48dd - 15-11-2005

Thanks thats what I wanted to know, I am wasting time then. Yes I need to go read the facts!


Re: How does adding more pilots help? - poden - 15-11-2005

Holy FAQ Batman! There's too many pilots!