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How did you come across FsP? - Printable Version

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How did you come across FsP? - Jetsgo - 13-11-2005

Don't worry, I'm not just trying to start a random dead-end thread, I actually really want to know where you came across FsP! I
honestly can't remember how I heard of it, I must have been searching on Google or something, and found this great add-on by accident.
So how did you find FsP?

Re: How did you come across FsP? - lonewolf27_73 - 13-11-2005

I found FsP while I was browsing another forum, followed a link....and now here I amSmile

Re: How did you come across FsP? - ste9889 - 13-11-2005

i was browsing through SimMarket.com and saw an ad for FsP, and viola! here i am Smile

All The Best

Re: How did you come across FsP? - Sunra - 13-11-2005

A member of my VA was a beta tester and mentioned it in a post.

Re: How did you come across FsP? - Mud - 13-11-2005

Hanging around on Dan's orbiter forum and Dan wrote in a post where he was working on .


Re: How did you come across FsP? - fruitfly - 13-11-2005

Precisely at this thread:


(that was March! Time flyes better than I do, that's for sure!)

Re: How did you come across FsP? - CDR - 13-11-2005

It was my lucky day when I joined Mountain air.
One of the requirements there is that we fly FS passenger.
We log our flight time using FSP.
As I said it was my lucky day finding this wonderful program.



Re: How did you come across FsP? - Dutch64 - 13-11-2005

I don't know exactly anymore, I think somewhere on a forum or so and suddenly i had a crecitcard in my handsSmile

Re: How did you come across FsP? - Sovek - 13-11-2005

got hold of it off my VA forums, people kept talking about it so I looked,thought I was only gonna use the demo for a good couple of months HAH!!,
what a joke.

Re: How did you come across FsP? - Jetsgo - 13-11-2005

Iteresting stuff! I really can't remember.....

Re: How did you come across FsP? - Ryanamur - 13-11-2005

I found FsP by looking at the news items on Flightsim.com. I followed the link and registered for the news letter. Two weeks later, Dan
asked for more Beta Testers and I signed up for it. Then I made Dan's life a living hell by asking him to change the pilot progression
system! Smile Smile Smile Smile

Re: How did you come across FsP? - Jetsgo - 13-11-2005


Re: How did you come across FsP? - John44111 - 13-11-2005

Found it in.. Everyone can stop with the flames.


Yeah.. i ran that enanced demo version for a whole 4 hours. Realized that this is EXACTLY what i have been looking for since back in 1990 when
Sublogic or whomever it was made Airline transport pilot. (And no one ever did it again)

I realized that this game was not your run of the mill FSGarbageWare and subsequently paypaled the 38.38 US.

actual reinactment

(Thinks to self) This program is sweet.. did those passengers just scream? (yells upstairs) Hun, transfer 38.38 to my paypal account


Dont worry about it just do it.. it is for some mission critical software application.

Ok It is done...

(wife gets confirmation email) What the hell is FSPASSENGERS?

Dont worry about it.. see you on monday morning.

Thank you Dan for making this wonderful product. Most software packages dont last more than 4 hours on my hardrive before getting deleted. Thanks for
making FS2004 interesting again. and giving me the joy of being an airline pilot without the layoffs, pay cuts. and stewardesses (Yeah i called them
that) that would SURELY end my marriage.

Thanks Dan.. Going to be a long time fan and promotor. i cannot BELIEVE this package has not been duplicated by one of the big software companies.
Please spend my 38.38 US on something good. You deserved it.

Re: How did you come across FsP? - biddy - 13-11-2005

I think it was on avsim

Re: How did you come across FsP? - andy14 - 13-11-2005

Flight Sim or PC Pilot
