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Flight Time bonus - Printable Version

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Flight Time bonus - sannu - 05-11-2005

Guess this has been asked before but a search on "time" & "bonus" doesn't throw up anything so...

Just completed a flight before which I keyed in a time of 2.00hrs. Flight time from report was:
Flight Time (block): 01h53:45

So why did I not get my Flight Time Bonus? From report:
Overall Flight Result: Perfect

Pilot Bonus points: 180 points
· Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
· You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)

I can find nothing in the options or more_options which could explain this. And yes I am sure I entered
2.00hrs as my time for the outward flight was 1h58.

Does FSP take a time of 01h53:45 as 1hr for bonus purposes? In which case I lost out by 15 seconds! Rough!


Re: Flight Time bonus - Drew - 05-11-2005

Flight Time Bonus Range Penality late Penality early
1 hour 6 mn 20 mn 30 mn
2 hours 12 mn 20 mn 36 mn
3 hours 18 mn 22 mn 54 mn
4 hours 24 mn 29 mn 72 mn
5 hours 30 mn 36 mn 90 mn
6 hours 36 mn 43 mn 108 mn
7 hours 42 mn 50 mn 126 mn
8 hours 48 mn 58 mn 144 mn
9 hours 54 mn 65 mn 162 mn
10hours 60 mn 72 mn 180 mn

If you fly 1 hours and you're planned flight duration is set to 01h00 you must arrive after 00h57 but before 01h03 to have a bonus, and you
will be penalized if you arrive before 00h30 or after 01h20

if you set 2 hours as ur flight time, you have a 12 min range (6 before and 6 after the 2 hours) 1:54 - 2.06

you did not land within this bonus zone so dont recieve any bonus

Re: Flight Time bonus - sannu - 05-11-2005

Roger that. Range is the operative word.

So I still lost out by just 15 seconds. Next time i'll wait till all pax have disembarked if I have to!
