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War Zone MAYDAY !!! - Printable Version

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War Zone MAYDAY !!! - lkn - 30-10-2005

I'm making a world tour with my A36 Bonanza,i decided to land at WAPP (Indonesia),and i was shooted by arms,declared an emergency...
and made a hard landing in the country near to the airport,i was shooted again after take off and three times again,i lose a lot of
money ,and i would like to know what is the solution to save my life !!!
Thanks a lot

Re: War Zone MAYDAY !!! - Sovek - 30-10-2005

well, Im not sure how bad indonesia is, but I landed at hatai in my Grumman Goose, I got out of there ok, not coming in however. try shooting up as
fast as you can, And as long as they dont shoot out your engines and both fuel tanks, run like heck till you get out of there.

Re: War Zone MAYDAY !!! - DanSteph - 30-10-2005

the solution is here:



Re: War Zone MAYDAY !!! - AeroJim - 30-10-2005

get a lot of speed on the ground, hold the brakes for a while, don't pull up until you have 2 and yeah shoot up as fast as you can w/o
excessing G's

Re: War Zone MAYDAY !!! - SD_BFU - 31-10-2005

Get altitude as fast as you can. I had similar situation in Cali tried to fly from there twice, been shot, emargency landings, etc....

Re: War Zone MAYDAY !!! - SaVas - 31-10-2005

If your engine isnt damaged, and you have fuel, keep flying, but declare an emergency when you are out of the warzone area and can land
at a safe airport

Re: War Zone MAYDAY !!! - jboweruk - 31-10-2005

I concurr, Climb like crazy, a C130 is good for getting outta warzones, probably why the UN use so many of 'em.

Re: War Zone MAYDAY !!! - SaVas - 31-10-2005

Plus the C-130 can take quite a bit of damage in FsP and land safely somewhere.
Have a hit fuel tank, shut off fuel and reroute the good tank. One engine or two engines out (one on either side) and you can still fly her,
and if too much fuel on board you can fuel dump until your weights are stable enough to keep her airborn. I love the CS C-130 and have 4
in my fleet now