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FSP Questions pls! - Printable Version

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FSP Questions pls! - markyp - 24-10-2005

Hi all,

I have read some reviews etc on this product and like the look of it!!

I have some questions though!

I fly using the PMDG 737's and the 747, is this compatible? IE I mean the loadeditor as I read the the PMDG load editors are more
realistic than the FSP ones?

Also looking in the download section I don't understand how some people I see have made like a load for the PMDG for a specific
airline? Could someone explain what is going on there? Looked at it and have no idea.

I am keen to use the PMDG load editors but still use FSP to the maximum etc? Is this possible? I believe you can now overide the FSP
load manager but will that not lose some of my features in FSP??

Thanks very much


Re: FSP Questions pls! - Ryanamur - 24-10-2005

Hi Mark,

Yes, you can still use PMDG's 737 and 747 with FsP. Most people use a switch in the program (more_option.cfg) that will dissable the
FsP load and leave Fs2004 with the PMDG load.

As for load for specific airlines, it's simply because not all airline use the same configuration. Some have 1st and business class while
others are low fare throughout.

I hope this answers your questions. If you need a full explanation on how to use PMDG's 737 with FsPassengers, I suggest you talk to
Brad (SWAFO). He's a real 737 pilot for SouthWest Airline and a moderator on this board.


Re: FSP Questions pls! - markyp - 24-10-2005

Hi there,

Thanks for that, so they are specific airline loads for FSP??

Could you please let me have Brads contact details??



Re: FSP Questions pls! - Ryanamur - 25-10-2005

Hi Mark,

Here's Brad IM address:

Yes, different loads mean different configurations. For example, Load#1 might be 70% hospitality class + 30% business class; Load#2
might be 85% hospitality and 15% business; Load#3 might be 100% hospitality and; Load#4 could be 100% cargo.

Hope this help.


Post Edited ( 10-25-05 03:20 )

Re: FSP Questions pls! - SWAFO - 25-10-2005

Just noticed this post... as Phil mentioned, I'm always glad to help, and answer any questions you may have (that are within my
limitations... lol). Feel free to IM me with any questions.

Re: FSP Questions pls! - markyp - 26-10-2005

Hi there,

I have sent you a PM!!!

