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Fast Forward - Printable Version

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Fast Forward - Pat - 24-10-2005


I bought FS2004 a while ago and despite all the realism there was somethign missing: passengers!

For a while I dreamed of how great it would be to have virtual passengers on board and then I stumbled on FSPassengers! Thank you!! Thank you!!

I bought it immediately - it's like my dreams come true!

Now I usually fly from Zurich to New York or Washington and this is a looooong flight.
Maybe I do something wrong but is it true that "fast forward" funktion no longer funktions? Dragging the airplane on the map is also considered cheating.
Am I missing something?

Re: Fast Forward - Pierino - 24-10-2005

Welcome to the club!
We all had the same dream and thanks to Dan it became true.

You can still use time acceleration (at least by the menu) whenever you want. You will only lose some (30% I think) points if you use it.
Dragging the plane on the map however is forbidden in FsP (just think of all the poor passenger, they'll get sick).


Re: Fast Forward - Dutch64 - 24-10-2005

You can disable the penalty for time acceleration also if you like in the more_option.cfg.

Re: Fast Forward - DanSteph - 24-10-2005

Time acceleration work but you'll get only 70% of bonus point, this is NOT a penalty
but more a reward for the people that make all their flight in real time.


Re: Fast Forward - Pat - 24-10-2005

Oooh, that's great!

This more_config.cfg has some nice switches! Just a question though: If I disable time acceleration-penalty, will I still only get 70%?
It's no big deal anyway.

Re: Fast Forward - Capt. Wotan - 24-10-2005

I don't think so, you get the full points if you disable the penalty.

Re: Fast Forward - Ryanamur - 24-10-2005

Yes, you get 100% of your point + the bonus for long flights


Re: Fast Forward - SaVas - 24-10-2005

I have used time accel once and that was because my flight would have made me late for work, so I had to TA it. All the others have been
real time as I dont like time acceleration at all.

Re: Fast Forward - Pat - 24-10-2005

Thank you very much for answering my question so thoroughly!
Can't wait to fly again! New York, here I come!!! Wink