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Mid-Air colllision - Printable Version

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Mid-Air colllision - EDawg - 18-10-2005

Has anyone experienced a mid-air collision in FS. Today I was flying from Toronto to Newark, NJ and ATC advised me of an MD-80 at my 11'oclock at an
alttitude of 30,000 ft and I was also at 30,000 ft. The MD-80 was 4miles away at the time of the ATC callout. Seconds later BANG! a mid-air collision.
Everyone on the flight died and the aircraft was totally destroyed. I guess ATC in FS9 will not tell you to change alttitude to aviod mid-air
collisions. The other thing I thought was strange was FSP said my aircraft was totally destroyed but I was able to sell it. Is this a glitch? How can
I sell a plane that was destroyed.Wonder

Re: Mid-Air colllision - SWAFO - 18-10-2005

Yet another reason I have the buggy crash/collision detection in FS9 disabled! Rolleyes

Re: Mid-Air colllision - pilot3033 - 18-10-2005

'Tis why I fly on VATSIM Wink

Re: Mid-Air colllision - Dr_Dre121 - 18-10-2005

Quote:'Tis why I fly on VATSIM

I preffer IVAO, you get a choice of text and voice ATC, good if you like to listen to music while you fly Music

Re: Mid-Air colllision - SaVas - 18-10-2005

I dont think its a bug really that you can sell your plane after such a crash. Maybe not realistic, but sometimes when such things happen
in the sim, it can mean the life or death of your little company.

Re: Mid-Air colllision - pagir - 18-10-2005


A midair collision in FS2004... What a bad luck!


Re: Mid-Air colllision - kvuo - 18-10-2005

I had a collision on the ground. I was taxiing, another a/c was going to enter the taxiway. I assumed he would hold short. he did not.. FSP
called it a crash.. I have crash detection off... FSP apparently does it's own crash detection.

Re: Mid-Air colllision - bdlong - 18-10-2005

I had a close call two nights ago. ATC routed me for runway 9L. Just as I am making a right hand turn to line up for final I see a 737 pass overhead
- less than 100 feet away - heading for runway 9R. I was expecting to feel it in the King Air, but nothing happened, and ATC never did call out for
the visual like they normally do. I guess it was a ghost Smile

Re: Mid-Air colllision - Spokane - 19-10-2005

Yes ONCE a while back in FS2002, i was doing a flight from Sacromento Intl. to Ontairio Intl. in a 757 and while desending i got a call to
see if i could spot this Cessna 208 Amphibian. Then suddenly it was right in front of me. Heres an old pic of it i saved in fact. I ran in to it
and crashed of course, i didnt bother to turn crash off.

[Image: closecall2.jpg]

Re: Mid-Air colllision - dtinc155 - 19-10-2005

Hehe I had a 767 fly by really close during a flight from KSAN to KDEN. Lucky I saw it coming even before the ATC woke up and called the
traffic alert. Had just enough time to pull a hard right turn and skate by on his left. As it was, I still got bounced pretty hard thanks to
Active Sky's wake turbulence simulation. Pax were all shook up after that, its the first time I heard screaming coming from the Pax
cabin.. lol

They should thank me that they didn't end up in a 35,000 ft freefall. Smile

Re: Mid-Air colllision - EDawg - 19-10-2005

At least I'm not the only one that experienced these near misses or accidents. I just think if you totally destroy your aircraft I don't think you
should be able to sell it. Then again I can look at it as an insurance settlement. Smile

Re: Mid-Air colllision - bdlong - 19-10-2005

Sell it for scrap - I wouldn't expect you would get a lot out of it, except from flying enthusiast Smile


Re: Mid-Air colllision - NeilC - 22-10-2005

My tip would be to download the brilliant freeware TCAS gauge and install it into your aircraft (as is required these days under ICAO
aviation law)

You will never have another midair, but will be amazed how many "Descend, Descend" calls you get!