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Ok guys I need your help again - Printable Version

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Ok guys I need your help again - FlyBoy2 - 04-09-2005

I know there is someone that is using these products I have sent the manufacture a Email and posted on their forum but I figured I would also try on

Problem 1. I have all of SimFlyer's add on Airports, this is a small problem and probably a easy fix.
The Problem is DFW and LAS when I am at the gate at these airports I am not only seeing Sim's Gates but I am also seeing the default FS ones as well,
What do I need to do to get rid of them?

Problem 2. This is a much bigger problem, I have the Orlando International Airport MCO.
The Problem I have uninstalled and reinstalled this several times, it is showing up under scenery like it should the problem though is when I go to
the airport there is none and I mean NON. it is totally flat with no terminal,gates,runways nothing. Any Sugestions?


Re: Ok guys I need your help again - SWAFO - 04-09-2005

I can only recommend contacting the company responsible for these software programs. This is the FSP forum, and although you may
find someone with the same software, you won't find a quick/easy answer here.

Re: Ok guys I need your help again - FlyBoy2 - 05-09-2005

I Knew that Brad LOL I just figured if someone new a way to get rid of FS's Gates maybe they would be able to tell me faster then the company so I
figured some one out there would be able to maybe tell me Smile


Re: Ok guys I need your help again - FlyBoy2 - 05-09-2005

BTW Guys Problem 2 has been fixed I found out where it was and was able to get it to worK but as to how to get rid of FS's Gates that I am not sure about

Re: Ok guys I need your help again - olseric - 05-09-2005

Go under your scenery library and disable the Dallas Photo Scenery installed by FS9. Try that.

Re: Ok guys I need your help again - FlyBoy2 - 05-09-2005

Ahhh thank you I knew it had to be a simple solution Smile I will try that when I land

Re: Ok guys I need your help again - djdavies - 05-09-2005

This is what happens when a forum actually works. People gravitate to where they perceive the help to be, regardless.

Double edged sword, but a great testament to all of you fine folks here!!