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whats going on? - Printable Version

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whats going on? - Sovek - 26-08-2005

Ive got a slight problem here, for some odd reason I get major slowdowns with FS9 when I have alot of clouds, or objects.

My specs,

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3000+
Mobo: MSI K8N Neo4
Ram: 512MB generic DDR 400
Video: 6600GT PCI-E 16X (overclocked to 570/1140)

Im pretty sure its not my video card as Ive seen people with a 5200 card get 30 FPS on high detail, so I should be able to max out, right??? Im think
its either the ram or the cpu.

Re: whats going on? - jboweruk - 26-08-2005

Ah maybe, but what resolution clouds are you using. That can have a lot to do with it. I use only the small textures from ASV for my clouds,
and my framerates stay pretty high.

Re: whats going on? - Ryanamur - 26-08-2005

Try taking off the overclock on your video card to really rule that piece of hardware off.

Re: whats going on? - Sovek - 26-08-2005

Ive flown with it overclocked and at stock, I get a few extra frames with it overclocked, so something else is causing the problem. not sure what the
resolution of the couds are, but I run the game at 1024x768

Re: whats going on? - Ryanamur - 26-08-2005

Try disabling the 3D cloud (only select simple clouds).

Re: whats going on? - Sovek - 26-08-2005

but I want the detailed clouds,

Re: whats going on? - Ryanamur - 26-08-2005

Actually, I have the feeling that you are overtaxing your system.

Here are my specs and I can't run clouds with too many details because it just slows the machine right down to 5-10 fps.

If I keep the Wx on Medium-Low and everything else on Medium High, I consistantly get above 25 fps (1024x768)

P4 3.0 Ghz
ATI x300 128MB

Re: whats going on? - silo - 26-08-2005

What are your settings for Antialiasing and Anisotropic Filtering? Try lowering it one notch (especially the first one). Also make sure you
are not using the antialiasing from FS9 (Settings--->Display--->Hardware). Try renaming default.xml to default.bak (only if you don't have fs9 9.1 patch installed...do a search in FS9 directory).
Replacing default cloud textures with some lighter ones from fsw gives you improved frame rates http://fsw.simflight.com/ (use dxt

Post Edited ( 08-26-05 20:21 )

Re: whats going on? - SaVas - 26-08-2005

My specs

P4 2.8 GHz
nVidia 6800 GT
1gig ram
200 GB HD partitioned for 150 gigs for simming

I average 22 to 37 FPS in very overcast conditions (thunderstorms) with no skipping/chirping frames. Its smooth as butter

With no clouds I average 45 to 70.

I set my max at 35

Before I contacted a service that is made for flight simmers my sim looked like crap, stuttered badly, and in overcast conditions I had 5 to
10 fps.

The magic was performed by Michael at http://www.fs-gs.com

The cost is around $85 USD and worth every penny to me. They configure your computer for optimization for simming and the clarity I
have now is jaw dropping.

Re: whats going on? - SWAFO - 26-08-2005

What? How could that FSGS service increase your frame rate by that much? Isn't it simply making changes that you can make on your
own? What did it change in your system?

Re: whats going on? - olseric - 27-08-2005

Quote:Ive got a slight problem here, for some odd reason I get major slowdowns with FS9 when I have alot of clouds, or objects.

I have my FS settings cranked up pretty high (terrain detail, 3D clouds, cloud coverage, etc, etc) and have no problem maintaining at a
bare minimum in heavy scenery 20 FPS+. And your PC is better than mine.

I'm gonna say once again, heat is the issue. What are you getting for a chassis temp as well as a proc temp? Another stick of RAM prolly
wouldn't hurt you any either.

For comparrison purposes, I have AMD Athlon XP 3200+, ATI Raedon 9700 AIW, Soyo KT600 Dragon Ultra Platinum, 1.5 GB PC3200
RAM. My normal operating temps are 29C in case, 39C on die. Highest I've ever seen it with FS running full bore was about 43C on die.

Re: whats going on? - Sovek - 27-08-2005

Im gonna have to dig out the software for it,

and I dont think its the chassis temps with three fans, but Im thinking it is the ram, just too many objects.

Post Edited ( 08-27-05 05:37 )

Re: whats going on? - olseric - 27-08-2005

Yes, or not enough power from the supply. What's your wattage rating?

Re: whats going on? - Sovek - 27-08-2005

not my powersupply, Its 480 watts with alot of amps on the rails.