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Inprovement - Printable Version

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Inprovement - snakeboy - 25-08-2005

Backup the file " fx_contrail_l.fx" first
Open "fx_contrail_l.fx" in the effects folder and change to below

Lifetime=30.50,30.50 <<<<<<<< this wil give you about 3 minutes of contrails DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE
X Scale=10.00, 10.00
Y Scale=10.00, 10.00

This increases the time contrails are visible, just more eye candy.

Now the biggest change for me.

Goto options/settings/traffic and unselect General aviation leaving just Airline selected.

I was amazed what a difference this made, the sky was just littered with traffic. Just did a flight from egcc to lfpo and had four near
misses, never had that before!.

Re: Inprovement - Kstinson - 25-08-2005

Have yet to try the first change, but the trafic adjustment makes one big difference; had I not watched the screen, I would have collided
with a 777 in midair.

Re: Inprovement - SWAFO - 25-08-2005

I've got UT, so already have a big problem with traffic... I like it though Wink