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X-Plane Freeware - Printable Version

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X-Plane Freeware - AeroJim - 23-08-2005

Well in the last month i have had a flight sim revolution, realized i could get all these awesome add-ons, etc. Well last night i found the X-
Plane Free Ware site: http://xplanefreeware.net/ So i think i got jipped, i thought these planes were free, but now i couldnt find them in
the selection screen so did i get suckered, im thinking these planes are just panels, not the actual planes.

Re: X-Plane Freeware - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I don't know much about X-Plane, so can't help you there.

Re: X-Plane Freeware - AeroJim - 23-08-2005

Ok well, i have found why i cant get the planes, because i need StuffIt Expander, but they say its free, i only find ones where i need a credit
card, anyone know of actually free ones?

Re: X-Plane Freeware - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

This forum is more for the discussion of FS2004... try to stay on topic! Off topic

Re: X-Plane Freeware - Cookie - 23-08-2005

If it cost you a cent then it's NOT 100% freeware! And none of the X-Plane I've seen are free, at least to me.

Sorry Brad for being OT.

Re: X-Plane Freeware - jeffrey11190 - 24-08-2005

i have xplane8.0 it is ok but very hard

Re: X-Plane Freeware - SWAFO - 24-08-2005

How can it be hard? The panels look really simplified and easy IMHO!

Re: X-Plane Freeware - jeffrey11190 - 24-08-2005

i mean like the controls they are very different from fs2004

Re: X-Plane Freeware - ILikePlanes - 24-08-2005

what is IMHO

Post Edited ( 08-24-05 10:03 )

Re: X-Plane Freeware - nem - 24-08-2005

Quote:SWAFO wrote:
How can it be hard? The panels look really simplified and easy IMHO!
You above all probably know that there's more to flying than pushing buttons in the correct order. Wink
Xplane is supposed to have very realistic flight models (at least for GA) instead of concentrating on a complex panel experience.

Re: X-Plane Freeware - SWAFO - 24-08-2005

I had heard that too Nem. I remember trying Version 5, or something that was available commercially a few years back... never worked
for me.