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757-200 Payload Model - Printable Version

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757-200 Payload Model - Scott - 13-10-2005

I finally earned enough $ to buy a 757-200 for longer journeys.
Right now I am disappointed with range, payload, and revenue generated and wondered whether the payload model is correct.

With an completedly empty plane and 100% fuel it far exceeds the MTOW. This makes no sense to me. Why have such a large fuel
capacity that can't be used?

Last night I flew from KSEA to KBOS: 178 pax + 40 klbs fuel + 0 cargo = 99% MTOW.
With luck from strong tail winds I made it with 5 klbs of fuel to spare. Not sure how happy my pax were that they couldn't take luggage Hunappy

To others who fly the 757-200 does this sound right for the payload model for this plane? Any help would be appreciated.

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - pagir - 13-10-2005

Which 757 are you using?


Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Scott - 13-10-2005

The ProjectOpensky 757-200.

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - pagir - 13-10-2005

Sounds strange...

The "official" info from airliners.net are:
Quote:Operating empty with P&W engines 57,840kg (127,520lb), with RB211s 57,975kg (127,810lb). Basic max takeoff 99,790kg
(220,000lb), medium range MTOW 108,860kg (240,000lb), extended range MTOW 115,665kg (255,000lb) or 115,895kg (255,550lb).

The settings in the aircraft.cfg of your Posky are:

max_gross_weight = 256000.000
empty_weight = 188000.000

The empty weight seems to be to high, althought 188000 is the maximum zero fuel weight...

The fuel:
Center1 = 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6964.000, 0.000
LeftMain = -3.000, -12.000, 0.000, 2156.000, 0.000
RightMain = -3.000, 12.000, 0.000, 2156.000, 0.000
fuel_type = 2 //Fuel type: 1 = Avgas, 2 = JetA
number_of_tank_selectors = 1

But I don't really know how to interpret those numbers... I think it means that it can carry 11 276 gallons...

Anyway, I'm putting those numbers here in case someone know what to do with them...

So my question is: should the empty_weight should be the "Operating empty" or the "maximum zero fuel weight"?
If it's "operating empty" (as I think), the number in the empty_weight should be 127810.000


Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Scott - 13-10-2005

Your data seems to match right on with specifications from Boeing's official data:

Max Fuel Capacity = 11,489 gal
Max TOW = 255,000 lbs

I also found some discussion on this on Posky's forum.
ZFW numbers are ranging from 159,000 lbs to 175,000 lbs.
Empty weight number should be in the range of 112,000 to 128,000 lbs.

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - pagir - 13-10-2005

Try to change the 188000 for 128000 and try it... noting to lose!


Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Scott - 13-10-2005

That seems to be the solution. Thanks for the input.
I just bought this program a couple of weeks ago and I'm addicted. It's awesome!

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - olseric - 15-10-2005

Remember something...a lot of the large airliners are built with a dual purpose in mind -- capacity AND/OR range. I think the extra fuel
tank was an option on the 757 depending upon the model, thus, you may be able to overload it with a full load of pax, fuel, and cargo. It's
up to you to decide which role it needs to fulfill.

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Fritz Bayerlein - 15-10-2005

This is a well-documented bug with the POSKY 757-200. In the aircraft.cfg they set the empty weight of 136000lbs to the ZFW of
188,000. It is a bug. Open the CFG file and manually edit the empty weight to whichever value you feel is appropriate. Once you do this,
you'll find the the 757-200 to be EXTREMELY profitable and great for almost any sort of flight. I use the POSKY 757-200/300 exclusively in
my airline and it does everything well.

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - pagir - 15-10-2005

Thank's Fritz!


Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Scott - 17-10-2005

I updated the empty weight in the cfg file and all is well....
Thanks to all for the input.

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Jetflyer - 17-10-2005

757 = ROCKS

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Fritz Bayerlein - 17-10-2005

Yes it does. And it's fun to land. You can do a three-point landing with the POSKY 757 and the FPM will be under 100. It's super easy to
land when you fly it in manually. Usually I use this plane in the domain where one would usually use a 737 because I not found a good
freeware 737. With that being said, my MTOW is usually no more than 50-60% so the plane is very light and doesn't use too much fuel.
It's also very easy to climb with at those weights!

Also, I want into the air file and edited the reverse thrust power to 50% of N1, so I can get this plane slowed down very fast. I haven't tried
an Innsbruck landing yet, but I have no doubt I can put this 757 down there in half the runway distance.

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Jetflyer - 17-10-2005

LOl.... see my -5.4fpm landing in the 757... not only that but it's very efficient and can do a 70 minute flight or a 7 hour flight just as easily.
Climbs to 38,000ft in about 19 minutes I always fly high to make the best money. The winglet version has a fuel efficiency advantage over the n/w but
feels the same to fly.

Re: 757-200 Payload Model - Sovek - 17-10-2005

Argh, quit talking about it, lol, I im jealous, Im puttering around in a 727, and thats my most advanced aircraft in my fleet Hunappy

and there is a winglet version, hmmmm.