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MS ATC just dumb controllers - Printable Version

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MS ATC just dumb controllers - lightrail - 21-08-2005

Okay - so I create a step flight plan CYEG to EGLL (LHR) for a fully loaded 777-300 requiring FL260 until some fuel has burned off then an increase to

For some unexplained reason, when loaded into FS2004 Nav Log it ignores the step ascent, and ATC is then telling me to climb to FL350.

My 777-300 fully loaded doesn't want to go any higher than about FL280, and my repeated requests for a reduced flight level go ignored by ATC.
Finally, after getting sick of hearing them ask me to go up to FL350, I do - only to stall the 777-300 on full power.

So it seems I have to file flight plan at FL260 then ask for increase later in the flight.

Annoying Hunappy

Re: MS ATC just dumb controllers - FlyBoy2 - 21-08-2005

You can't do that with FS ATC what you can do is change the ALT to a lower one before you enter it and then always climb later when you have burnt
some of your fuel, thats why I switched from FSATC to Radarcontrol


Re: MS ATC just dumb controllers - lightrail - 21-08-2005

Seems odd that you have the option to pick a lower altitude though.

I was crossing Greenland on a CYEG - EGLL and for some reason ATC cancelled my IFR flight plan - I was on 8X so I suspect I didn't anser them quick
enough - there should be some consideraiton for this in the programming for when you speed things up.

Re: MS ATC just dumb controllers - jboweruk - 21-08-2005

probably. Unless there are mountains in the way ATC will normally grant a request for lower altitude.

Re: MS ATC just dumb controllers - lightrail - 21-08-2005

Well, ATC was ignoring my requests - no response.

Anyway, I've figured out how to re-establish the IFR flight plan - I think

When IFR cancelled
1. set heading same as GPS course (if following GPS), turn off NAV and turn on HDG - that'll take care of the aircraft until the IFR is re-established
2. make a note of the next but one waypoint you are heading towards
3. select "create IFR plan" from ATC menu options
3. reload the IFR plan that was cancelled by ATC
4. hit okay, but answer NO to move aircraft to starting location
5. go into GPS, select "flight plan" and then use the cursor to select the next waypoint but one that are heading towards - press Menu and press
"activate this leg" - you want to activate the leg after the one you are already flying
6. Now your aircraft should be heading for the next leg in the flight plan - which starts at the waypoint you are already heading towards
7. Reconnect the GPS to the NAV computer
8. Request ATC for IFR clearance

Why would ATC cancel IFR above FL180 when all flights up there are IFR anyway - no VFR? Seems dumb to me.