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Speed Problems - Printable Version

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Speed Problems - FlyBoy2 - 16-08-2005

I am having another problem with the queen this time when I am in a climb it seems that my Air speed will drop to a low level that will nearly stall
me I have tried everything I know what to do any sugesstions?

Re: Speed Problems - omarza - 16-08-2005

Dont really have an idea as i have yet to purchase the those planes waiting for end month) you mentioned in an earlier post.. the PMDG 737, 747 etc.
However... are you sure the aircraft isnt maybe in a too steep climb... try reducing rate of climb and see if it still happens. (Taking a shot in the
dark here)

Re: Speed Problems - SWAFO - 16-08-2005

Also, make sure your weight is in acceptable limits. If you're just too heavy, and trying to climb at a high angle of climb, you'll naturally
stall. What's your airspeed when this stall occurs?

Re: Speed Problems - FlyBoy2 - 16-08-2005

OK this is the Senario My Total Weight is 850208 with fuel and 380 passengers on board my Speed drops after I get to 10,000 and then it goes from 250
Knts to less then 180.

Re: Speed Problems - SWAFO - 16-08-2005

I think that's a bit too heavy for a 747-400. As far as I remember, the 747-400's MTOW is right around 800,000LB's... I could be wrong
though. Anyone care to clarify?

Re: Speed Problems - nem - 17-08-2005

Quote:Max takeoff 362,875kg (800,000lb), or optionally 377,845kg (833,000lb), or 385,555kg (850,000lb), or 396,895kg (875,000lb).
747-400ER/ERF - MTOW 412,770kg (910,000lb).

Best to look it up in the aircraft.cfg to see which numbers FS has to deal with.

Re: Speed Problems - SWAFO - 17-08-2005

Thanks for that link Nem. You're just full of useful information!

Re: Speed Problems - nem - 17-08-2005

You're welcome. Wink

Still (@Flyboy), to find out if it's a weight problem in this particular case, best to check the MTOW in the aircraft.cfg, then take care to not
exceed it when loading the aircraft.