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Another Plane Crash - Printable Version

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Another Plane Crash - Topaz - 16-08-2005

CNN.com have reports coming through of a plane crash in S. America

Passenger jet crashes in western Venezuela with 152 passengers on board, Associated Press reports. Details soon.

Re: Another Plane Crash - Er!k - 16-08-2005

152 passengers??? Probably a 737 or Airbus A319/320 Hunappy I hope people will survive! The plane is from West Caribbean Airways

Post Edited ( 08-16-05 14:04 )

Re: Another Plane Crash - jboweruk - 16-08-2005

Aw man, well at least that is the three, and they always go in threes.

Re: Another Plane Crash - Topaz - 16-08-2005

It was an MD-80 and the pilot reported problems with his engines.

Re: Another Plane Crash - Tato66 - 16-08-2005

Very sad, hopefully there will be survivors.

Re: Another Plane Crash - omarza - 16-08-2005

No survivers are reported. Apparently pilot lost one engine and then the other.