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Synthetic voices? - Printable Version

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Synthetic voices? - fruitfly - 14-03-2005

I've read somewhere here in the forums that the voices will be synthetic ones.
Does that mean that they will not be recorded but FsP will rely on MS speach engine?
(in that case you will want to try out this one: http://www.naturalvoices.att.com/demos/ )

Re: Synthetic voices? - Robjos - 14-03-2005

Agreed, the AT&T voices are much better than the microsoft ones but I really do hope that real voices are used. I am willing to record (or
get my friends to record) English accent voices where required. I am sure many others would be willing to contribute freely to this project
if required.

Re: Synthetic voices? - DanSteph - 14-03-2005

FsP will include only real voice, I use shyntetique right now because as things evolve
constantly I don't want to bother waiting that someone record them to test FSP
it would be at best useless at worse a wast of time and ressource while text of voice might change...
so I use this for now: http://www.research.att.com/projects/tts/demo.html

I'll soon start to search someone that can record hostess and pilots voice
that I'll modify to give them a "cockpit feeling" (intercom and such)
Any goodwill is welcome in this matter, I will launch a call on the newsletter
list or you can send me a mail if you want.

If no one propose his voice I'll earn professionnal or comedian. But of course
this would kill more my budget so if someone want to help he is REALLY welcome.


Post Edited ( 03-14-05 14:19 )

Re: Synthetic voices? - Japo32 - 14-03-2005

Yes.. it would be great to use that software.. because in that way for example, I, that am from Spain, can record the voices in spanish for
the captain speaking.