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Thread gone? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Thread gone? (/showthread.php?tid=11998)

Thread gone? - nem - 16-08-2005

Not that it bothers me much, but where did "my" "That's a new one..." thread go?

Just wondering...

Re: Thread gone? - omarza - 16-08-2005

No idea nem... wondering myself

Re: Thread gone? - SWAFO - 16-08-2005

Woah! Looks like it disappeared!! lol I didn't touch it, so I can't be of much help. I saw it there yesterday. Hmm....

Re: Thread gone? - nem - 16-08-2005

I sense a conspiracy here... Well

j/k, guess this forum still has some minor flaws. Wink (It's habit of not removing line break characters from text in input boxes is another one BTW...
could be resolved with a single php function at the right spot.)

Re: Thread gone? - SWAFO - 16-08-2005

Maybe it was removed for forum space. That was the thread with all the screenshots, right?

Re: Thread gone? - nem - 17-08-2005

Nope, none at all. It was the thread with a big discussion about stupid AI traffic and my bitching about me not getting a parking space at Bologna
Intl. Smile

Re: Thread gone? - alphaone - 17-08-2005

I think another one disappeared! wow

I was looking for that thread with the "must have addons" for fs but i can't find it now. I wanted to find that link for that freeware scenery mesh
that you can download for where you fly. But now its gone Hunappy So if anyone knows the link to that if they could kindly message me with the link i
would appreciate it greatly Wink

Re: Thread gone? - omarza - 17-08-2005

I think its this link?


Re: Thread gone? - alphaone - 17-08-2005

yes i think that's it, thanks Smile

Re: Thread gone? - jboweruk - 17-08-2005

The truth is out there, maybe both threads got abducted by aliens..... lol

Re: Thread gone? - JayKae - 17-08-2005

I didn't touch 'em only one I have ever deleted was on a TOTALLY different subject Smile

Re: Thread gone? - Ryanamur - 17-08-2005

Mom, I told you. It wasn't me. I swear I didn't do it! But Mom...

Re: Thread gone? - pagir - 17-08-2005

I didn't touch that button... I swear I didn't Hunappy

Maybe the AI trafic is seeking revenge on the net...


Re: Thread gone? - SWAFO - 17-08-2005

Probably Dan... always trying to save the extra forum space! lol

Don't hit me!