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doors problem!!! - Printable Version

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doors problem!!! - vagio - 13-08-2005

When I press shift+E, the doors don't open. Can somebody help me please?

Re: doors problem!!! - Ryanamur - 13-08-2005

What plane are you flying? Not all models have the visual effect of the door opening. What MS should have done is put a display that he
doors are open like they do for the parking brake.


Re: doors problem!!! - vagio - 13-08-2005

this is happening to all my planes,
HNAC A300B4-605R Olympic Airlines
Boeing 737-300 model by FFX/SGA Olympic Airways Colours, white and blue

Re: doors problem!!! - SE-TMA - 13-08-2005

Check your keyboard mappings in FS Setup menu. NOT FsP settings.

Re: doors problem!!! - SaVas - 13-08-2005

Yeah more than likely your assignment for opening doors isnt Shift + E any longer.

Re: doors problem solved!!! - vagio - 14-08-2005

Thnk you all. I reset to deafult my keyboard mapping in Fs and everything is in order now!!! Smile

Re: doors problem!!! - Passenger57 - 15-08-2005

If You are into panel modding, You could also download AFG's YS-11 panel (+ aircraft)(which is nice btw) and use (for personal use only) one or more
gauges for "Your" aircraft panel.

In the gauges cab file, there are 2 door switches operating "door_main" and "door_cargo". They look quite old-fashioned but do their work quite well,
being independent from keyboard setup.


Re: doors problem!!! - Jetsgo - 18-08-2005

This may be happening if you are using AI models, or Air Traffic and things like that. They doors aren't ment to open if so.

Re: doors problem!!! - nem - 18-08-2005

Care to elaborate? Never heard of that or experienced it, and I really fail to see the connection...

Or did you mean it may happen if one tries to fly with an AI plane model?

Re: doors problem!!! - Jetsgo - 19-08-2005

If you were talking to me, yes, when you fly with AI models, normally they don't have the door feauture. It will still open, and you'll get
the "Main Exit Open" signal, you just wont see it.

Re: doors problem!!! - Passenger57 - 19-08-2005

The best and most simple test for this: Use the default cessna or 737.

If You can open the door with shift-e then Your setup is correct.


Re: doors problem!!! - nem - 19-08-2005

Jetsgo: yes, when there is no explicit reference then a posting is normally meant for the poster right before the one in question. Wink

Now I'm just wondering who would try to fly a AI model plane anyway? Sick

Re: doors problem!!! - Jetsgo - 19-08-2005

Meeeeeeee lol. Only because it's reeeeeally easy and fast to install. I have a program to costomize it, to add panels and sounds. (which
you can obviously do that anyways but its faster) There is also a huge list of airlines for AI Planes. I don't usually use them anymore, but
they're fun lol.

Re: doors problem!!! - SWAFO - 20-08-2005

Quote:Ryanamur wrote:
What plane are you flying? Not all models have the visual effect of the door opening. What MS should have done is put a display that he
doors are open like they do for the parking brake.


I forgot all about the pesky brake messages. Removing those annoying messages was the first thing I did everytime I purchased
and installed a new version of FS. Thanks for bringing up some burried memories! (At least until FS10 is released, and I've got to do it
all over again)


Re: doors problem!!! - SWAFO - 20-08-2005

Quote:nem wrote:

Now I'm just wondering who would try to fly a AI model plane anyway? Sick

Actually, I use an AI Aardvark 737-700 w/winglets with my custom, self-edited PMDG 737-700 panel.
Occasionally, I'll use the SUPER
HIGH QUALITY PMDG aircraft if I want to show off the outside of the plane for whatever reason, however since I
normally spend the whole
of every flight INSIDE the plane, I don't have a need for real fancy models. It seems to improve frame rate a bit too.
The only thing I miss
with using my AI Aardvark 737 is being able to see my wings from the cockpit (as you can in the PMDG model). I
noticed though that
when I use the PMDG model with the 2D cockpit (no 3D here) and look over my left shoulder (out the captains side
rear cockpit window,
the one where you can see the wing), the wing textures have to load each and every time I switch views. For
example, I'll be taxiing
around, look out my rear left window, see the wing with NO textures on it, and then quickly switch back to the front
main view. A second or
two later the game will pause briefly (no more than 1-2 seconds)... this also occurs when I look out the window at
the wing model with no
textures, and then while the textures load (while still looking at it) it also has this brief pause. I'm wondering if
there's anyway to cache the
textures into memory so that they load once, then they're ALWAYS there. I know that I have plenty of cache
available (I have 1024MB DDR
SDRAM, and when flying with FS9 no more than half the page file is in use). Can I load them into memory? I'd
love to see my wing out
the window when flying and not have to worry about constant texture loads. Extra moderator points to anyone that
comes up with an
answer that works! I'd really appreciate it.

Also, in the 747 with the flexing wings, can you see your wings flex when looking out the same window? That'd
truly be amazing! I can't
believe where FS has gone in the past 10 years... WOW! Applause

EDIT: Here's the AI Aardvark plane I fly with... it doesn't look too bad, does it?

[Image: 737_700.jpg]