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[TOPIC MOVED]New to FS Passengers and 2 quick questions... - Printable Version

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[TOPIC MOVED]New to FS Passengers and 2 quick questions... - omarza - 12-08-2005


I just started looking into this program and it seems to be great. I was just wondering if anyone here have been
using the awardwinning Dash 7 from Milton Shupe with FS Passengers yet... the reason I ask is cause I think its
one of the most enjoyable planes to fly (took around 2000 hours to develop and was released as freeware) BUT I
have a slight little problem in getting the fuel gauges to work properly and am wondering if it will result in me
getting penalized if a fuel leak etc arises. The gauges does show when a tank is empty however but will that then
be too late to call an emergency IF the gauges updates only when the tank reaches empty? I know its a irritating
bug but the plane is really wonderful to fly from a flight dynamics and look and feel point of view...

Regarding the BAe... everyting in this plane is working brilliantly and im afraid that the one feature that I love might
cause FS Passengers to maybe not function properly with it and that is that when you open the panels the first
time it takes a while to load due to actually taking full control of all fuel, electrical and hydraulic systems... the end
result of cause is a stunning cocpit in that everything there functions almost as in real life... in my opiniun the best
set of panels in the game... BUT once again will it stop FS Passengers to update the failures properly as I dont
know how that is done from a technical point of view. BTW this panel has a 98 page manual.. lol

For those interesting in the Dash 7... here is the link Smile


Those interested in the BAe 146...


Thanks in advance for helping out and i'll in meantime have a look at those 2 questions but as you all know when
you new in something its not easy spotting if it works properly Smile

Post Edited ( 08-12-05 02:48 )

Re: New to FS Passengers and 2 quick questions... - SWAFO - 12-08-2005

Wanna talk about manual size? Check out the PMDG aircraft... lol.

This thread's also a little more geared toward FS9... topic moved.

Re: [TOPIC MOVED]New to FS Passengers and 2 quick questions... - omarza - 13-08-2005

Wow.. my first original post and I only found it now.. lol

Apologies for posting in the wrong forum.

Are the PMDG aircraft worthwhile in your opiniun... if so maybe I should also invest in some payware aircraft as I havent done that part yet due to
seeing alot of people complaining about payware sometimes not living up to the $$$ it costs and dont want to buy the wrong item. I like an aircraft
to be as realistic as possible with as close as possible to Real Life panels that actually function the way they should... and from what I read you
will be able to give real good opiniun into that.. and I would appreciate it Smile

Re: [TOPIC MOVED]New to FS Passengers and 2 quick questions... - FlyBoy2 - 13-08-2005

yes they are I have both the PMDG 747-400 which I have yet to fly since I am still trying to read the 300 page plus manual LOL and the Level-D 767
which I totally love

Re: [TOPIC MOVED]New to FS Passengers and 2 quick questions... - nevinch - 13-08-2005

My favorite in this order I think:

1. Beech A36 Dreamfleet
2. PMDG 737
3. Level-D 767
4. Eaglesoft Citation X
5. PMDG747

All of these are top notch


Re: [TOPIC MOVED]New to FS Passengers and 2 quick questions... - omarza - 13-08-2005

FlyBoy2 and nevinch... thanks for your replies. I will look into those aeroplanes mentioned above Smile