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Need advice upon flight plan and meteo forcast for arrival - Printable Version

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Need advice upon flight plan and meteo forcast for arrival - pegase - 01-08-2005

I fly now with the real weather . Much more exiting and can give some surprises.

On the flight plan the arrival will depends on the runway you will land. Then before starting, I use the go to airport to listen the ATIS and watch
around. When done I come back to my departure location to make the planning.

This is OK as long as the weather is stable on arrival location. But the Philippines seems to be one of thoses paradise where, if you don't like the
weather, just have to wait 5 minuts and it completely changes.

Then the arrival planification is no longer valid so I wanted to know the weather some 150 nm before arrival to Manila, but could not catch any
local ATIS before getting at 10 nm from Manila. Which is ta bit short and I had at the very last time on approach to Runway 24 to cancel the
approach, and make the circuit to land on the reverse runway 60 which is about 10-15 minuts lost.

Does someone know how it is possible to get in flight the current weather information of an airport yo are 100-200 nm from ?

Re: Need advice upon flight plan and meteo forcast for arrival - nevinch - 02-08-2005

Well, there's a couple ways. You could go out on the web and pull a METAR for the airport you're heading to. Even better, pick up a copy
of Active Sky V from http://www.hifisim.com It's a complete weather program and they have a neat little feature where you can tune your COM to
122.00 and you'll get an ATIS for the destination airport as long as you set up the departure and destination info in ASV before your flight
starts. That way, you'll be 100nm from your destination...you tune in and can then make an educated guess as to which way you should
be landing. Of course, FS doesn't always play nicely...in fact, you'll most likely have to guess if the winds are calm or variable...but for me
this really helped.


Re: Need advice upon flight plan and meteo forcast for arrival - pegase - 02-08-2005

Thanks for the answer and for the link Chuck.
I will have a go on it right now Hot

It is incredible how FSPassengers changed my way to fly. I become fussy now about load of parameters I never took care before Smile