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[Post Moved] Am I missing something? - Printable Version

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[Post Moved] Am I missing something? - scandahl - 30-07-2005

I know Dan did my two favorite addons for the Orbiter Spaceflight simulator, DeltaGlider III and Orbiter Sound. Now he's done
my favorite addon for
FS. Are there any other addons out there, that I should be aware of? I don't want to be missing out on somethingSmile

By the way, my Delta Glider is rusting in its garage now. No time to go into space. I'm to busy trying to make a living with
my new airline.

Best regards,

Re: [Post Moved] Am I missing something? - Ryanamur - 30-07-2005

I moved this post since it's more Fs2004 related than FsP.


It depends on what you are looking for.

Ultimate Traffic is great
Ultimate Terrain Canada/Alaska and USA are great if you are flying in these regions
Active Sky is wonderful for Wx... witth version 5, you can also create thermal for gliders I think.
Mesh: there is a wonderful freeware mesh available on bit torrent. It's close to 9 gig and it covers the entire planet.

For aircraft, there are too many to just list them all. Please narrow down your request so we can better help you.

Re: [Post Moved] Am I missing something? - scandahl - 30-07-2005

Sorry, I was'nt beeing clear. I meant, have Dan made other addons.

Best regards,

Re: [Post Moved] Am I missing something? - SWAFO - 30-07-2005

I thought that's what you meant.... There aren't any further add-ons (yet) that Dan has published. As for general add-ons, Phil
recommended some great ones, and you might also want to check out the PMDG aircraft, and FS2Crew.

As for the freeware terrain mesh, try here: http://www.simviation.com/fsdterrainsrtm.htm

Loads of mesh... covering the whole world.

Re: [Post Moved] Am I missing something? - scandahl - 30-07-2005

Thanks for the recommendations. I'm gonna have a look at those. A 9 gig terrain mesh? Sounds very interesting.


Re: [Post Moved] Am I missing something? - nevinch - 01-08-2005

Also check out the MegaScenery line......they cover regions of the US (so far) but are extremely detailed.
It's not free but well worth the price tag.