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My first FsP flight - Printable Version

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My first FsP flight - Clearjet - 28-09-2005

I found this somewhat humorous... Wink

I just installed FsP last night and decided to try it out. I only gave the manual a cursory glace since the program is very straight forward.
So I loaded up my 99 pax at Ontario (KONT) and headed out for Phoenix.

Things were going great... I was at 100% rating... the pax had just finished a hot meal and drinks and most had gone to sleep. I was on
the ARLIN3 STAR into KPHX and somewhere near the BXK VOR I decided the pax might like a little bit of music as we came in. Music

I remembered that many of the commands in FsP begin with cntrl-shift, so I thought.. Music... and hit cntrl-shift-M.

I'll pause for a moment while you get up off the floor.

Yes, I seemed to have declared an emergency. wow

All the pax scrambled for their seatbelts and my rating wen't down to 65% as the adrenaline went up to 35%. Things got worse on final
at minimums when the FA tells everyone to brace for impact. Nice. The debrief said I made an extremely smooth landing and of course
chided me for the false emergency.... I felt myself blushing.

...anyway... first FsP flight in my PMDG737 and I'll never fly without it again!

Re: My first FsP flight - SWAFO - 28-09-2005


Very classic "first flight" story. Glad you had fun though, and learned something in the end! Keep flying with the PMDG 737, and FSP!

Were you doing a SWA flight by any chance?

Also, I nearly forgot! Welcome to the FORUMS!

Re: My first FsP flight - SE-TMA - 29-09-2005

Haven't we all made the same mistake? *smile* Oh well, better luck next time Wink

Oh and do not play music while in the air. PAX don't like it. Only when you are taxiing. Welcome!

Re: My first FsP flight - DanSteph - 29-09-2005

Weclome here Clearjet,

You have now to try the infamous "Ah, flameout ... I'll restart my engine !!!.. mhhh what's the key ? aaah yes SHF-E... oookayyyyyy"
You'd probably not restart you engine but at least you'll get fresh air Smile (and a lot of penalty btw)

To have a maxed out effect this is to try above 15'000 ft


Re: My first FsP flight - Clearjet - 29-09-2005

Quote:SWAFO wrote:

Very classic "first flight" story. Glad you had fun though, and learned something in the end! Keep flying with the PMDG 737,
and FSP!

Were you doing a SWA flight by any chance?

Also, I nearly forgot! Welcome to the FORUMS!

I love the PMDG 737! I've been flying it for about a month now. I have all of our company routes in the database so I only spend 3
minutes setting up the FMS. I fly for America West VA as Cactus 2230 using Squawkbox 3.0.

Something else I noticed.. with SB, you sometimes get a shear effect when the weather updates. If it's severe enough and the belts are
in Auto, the sign will come on for a few minutes then go back off.. Kinda neat.

Re: My first FsP flight - Jackal - 29-09-2005

lol - that's why i always use the drop down menu.. also cos my contorl yoke kinda obscures my keyboard slightly and it wouldn't be hard
for me to enter a wrong key combo and kill my pax Smile lol incidently my first FsP flight went flawlessly. probably cos i was so attentive and
trying to nail everything to keep pax happy. after a few flights i started to get a bit relaxed and that reflected on my ratings... now im at the
stage where i can be pretty relaxed but still manage everything and get those perfect ratings again Smile

Re: My first FsP flight - SWAFO - 29-09-2005

Glad you like the PMDG 737, and now FSP! Best of luck with both programs!

Re: My first FsP flight - WBHoenig - 21-10-2005

I tried to start a movie going from Austin to New York like that before...