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What's your rank? - Printable Version

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What's your rank? - snakeboy - 12-09-2005


[Image: c12.jpg]

Re: What's your rank? - Jetflyer - 12-09-2005

C9 Captain after 154 hours

Re: What's your rank? - SWAFO - 12-09-2005

This has been brought up a million times... lol. I'm the highest ranked here, C2!


Re: What's your rank? - DBE - 12-09-2005

C-something..... Worry

Bugger: one of these days, I'm just going to borrow one of those jets and show my management just how well I can fly!

Re: What's your rank? - SWAFO - 12-09-2005

C-something, eh? I like that... lol... who cares? In the end it's just a fun program! No competition here! Now if only I could get the pilot of
the month award with SWA! Wink


Re: What's your rank? - Jetflyer - 13-09-2005

Um yeah, I um...dunno what I am either er... Well

Re: What's your rank? - jboweruk - 13-09-2005

c3 X 2

Re: What's your rank? - AndrePaul - 13-09-2005

c8, i havent flown for a while now, too busy

Re: What's your rank? - Plane Nuts - 13-09-2005

C3 and needing around 800-900 points and 9 hours to make C4.

Re: What's your rank? - SaVas - 13-09-2005

I am still C11 thanks to a couple of ... not so good flights. Lost points for my inadequacies in the realm of piloting.

Re: What's your rank? - Er!k - 13-09-2005

I'm still C1 Smile

Re: What's your rank? - Ryanamur - 13-09-2005

Well, I'm not even a C1... my computer crashed and I lost my C9 pilot. Time to start over tonight.


Re: What's your rank? - SaVas - 13-09-2005

Quote:Ryanamur wrote:
Well, I'm not even a C1... my computer crashed and I lost my C9 pilot. Time to start over tonight.


Sometimes thats a good thing though. Ive restarted from C7 and C8 3 times total after finding little things I wanted to try differently with
FSP, like start with the least amount of money and see how many hours it takes me to buy a 747 or A380. Granted as you get into bigger
planes money comes in a lot faster, however the road to even a 737-200 is a long one - C10 for me before I had enough cash to buy one
(and that was a used and abused one for $6.5 mill USD. Had I ran into any expensive failures I would have been SOL and would have
needed to sell some of my fleet to pay for the fix)

Re: What's your rank? - SaVas - 26-09-2005

Getting up there....

[Image: C14SaVas.jpg]

Re: What's your rank? - Hawkeye - 26-09-2005

C10 with 185 hours, 19000 points and keep on flyin.