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Translation - Printable Version

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Translation - MaddinB - 13-03-2005

Do you intend to release FSP in several languages? Do you still need anybody who translates the texts from English into German?
I would like to do this.


Re: Translation - DanSteph - 13-03-2005

The tool to translate FsP are here but it's not an easy job, there is a lot of sound that need to be redone (>100 I think)
and there is a hugh amount of text in FsP. (not counting the place problem because german is much longer than english)

So it's just a matter of time in fact. As FsP is my only job since several month it depend if the income would allow
me to spend one or two more month just to translate it in another language.

So sorry I don't have the reply yet, it depend of the income. (FsP is first a passion but I can't live without income forever)


Post Edited ( 03-13-05 13:35 )

Re: Translation - Pierino - 16-06-2005

Dear Dan

First of all, congratulations on your superb software you're programming. I'm sure that it will be a great success!
I have been flightsimming for more than 20 years now (Flightsimulator for Commodore 64 was actually my first computer game) and your addon looks
exactly like the ONE addon I (and many others) have been waiting for. One wonders why MS did never come up with this idea.
Obviously, they have the wrong developpers on their salary list...

The reason, I'm bumping up this thread is the following:

First day, your addon will be available for download I'll buy at least two copies of it.
One for me (probably going to ruin my relationship to my wonderful girlfriend...)
And the second copy will be a present for my little cousin (11 years old). He has been a fanatic flight simmer for 3 years now but I'm afraid he's
not going to understand the texts written in english. So my job will be to go to his house (expectingly several times a day...) and translate all
these texts to him as they show up (I guess this will neither make my girlfriend happy nor am I going to have big success with my FSPassengers-Airline
in lack of time).

So my question is:

Couldn't I help you out by translating the english texts into german? I think that one could leave all the sounds in english and just translate all
the written texts. I imagine you sending me the english text in any format, i'll translate them and send them back to you. You then just have to
exchange the english version with the german. I guess this shouldn't be too big a problem, or am I completely wrong here?

German texts might boost your sales in Germany a lot (as germans are not known to be experts for foreign languages, sorry to all the Germans in this
forum for this side blow! I'm from Switzerland, forgot to mention).
I just think that translating all the texts once and for all (instead of running to my cousins house all the time) could save my time and maybe my
relationship ;-)

So, if I could be of any help (free of charge, of course!!!) please let me know.

Sorry for the novel I just wrote, seems like FsPassengers is driving me nuts already.
I hope Dan won't take reading this post as an excuse for releasing in July only!!!



Re: Translation - DanSteph - 16-06-2005

After the release I plan to release quickly new version based on user feedback
so the first month will be very busy, as the product will be new there will be a lot of support
to do. (recall: new version will not destroy your flight database)

Once this period behind me and if FsP sell well enough I would personnaly love
to implement a "language switch" abilities, mean that FsP would be able to be released
in somes others language as german and french and perhaps somes others.

This is not an easy task because FsP contain a lot of text for dialog, report etc etc...
Anyway if I do this I would wrote an utility that would extract all the text himself,
modify the code so it can load text from external file and finally write this external
language file.

Once done I would write an editor so anyone can create new "fsP text file"
to translate FsP in any language.
Then, translating completely FsP would only be a matter of using this editor,
translate the text and provide the modified file to have FsP in other language.

So, no promise, but as I said I would find this really intteresting and challenging to do.


Re: Translation - Steve - 17-06-2005

Quote:DanSteph wrote:
After the release I plan to release quickly new version based on user feedback
so the first month will be very busy, as the product will be new there will be a lot of support
to do. (recall: new version will not destroy your flight database)

An alarming thought came into my head as I read that. If we buy FsP the moment it is released (highly likely) and a month later another
version is released, do we have to buy it again, or can we just download it and put in the key we got when we bought it the first time?

I hope that made sense. Wonder

Re: Translation - djsebx - 17-06-2005

LOL no of course these will be free updates.

Re: Translation - DanSteph - 17-06-2005

Of course the new version will be free, you will even keep your previous flight.
(database have now a fixed size with enough empty reserve byte for futur devellopment)

But it's true you will have to enter your unlock key again... so just keep it handy...


Post Edited ( 06-17-05 01:52 )

Re: Translation - DanSteph - 17-06-2005

DJSBEX ->06-17-05 01:49
DANSTEPH->06-17-05 01:49

LOL almost in same time.... Smile


Re: Translation - Steve - 17-06-2005

Well, that's a very good thing. Smile

Re: Translation - Pierino - 17-06-2005

Dear Dan

Thanks for your response (quick as always).

Im looking soooo forward to your addon and all future updates.

Hope, you find some spare time this weekend to take a swim because it's going to be summer & hot, finally.



Re: Translation - DanSteph - 17-06-2005

Quote:Pierino wrote:
Hope, you find some spare time this weekend to take a swim because it's going to be summer & hot, finally.

Spare time ? at 13 day from end of June ?... no way, no spare time... work work and rework again. Wink
