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For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Printable Version

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Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Airliner - 18-07-2006

SHHH!!!! Hey, it works! Well

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - lol_91 - 29-07-2006

OK OK stealing is bad.

But what do you think about the huge price increase of the FSPASSENGER software ???? I bought it when expensive so, I find that even if
it is true that it is a very good software, taking very much time to develope, I cannot understand a big price increase without a big
functionality increase...

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - jetBlue220 - 29-07-2006

There wasn't a price increase, to my knowledge. I believe the price it is now is the same price I paid for it almost a year ago.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Dutch64 - 29-07-2006

True, there has not been any increase in price.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Joshuah A. Wetzel - 04-08-2006

Quote:Airliner wrote:
For anyone who wants to unlock FSP without paying for it, here's the trick:

- Load up this flight KSFO - KJFK
- Use the "Real-Time" load option and set for 20 mintues.
- After the 20 minutes pass and everyone's on board, proceed to the runway
- Keep track of the time, this is important. After 2 hours and 5 minutes after takeoff, press Alt + F4.

- Keep in mind, it might not work the first time so keep trying!


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - vincentt - 10-08-2006


Can someone tell me where would I get this software in Bangalore India. I am also very impressed with the product and will buy it one
day surely. THe problem being the cost difference in dollars to rupees. 100 dollars works up to Rupees 4800, and thats quite a lot for us
to pay!!

But I will save and make sure that I buy this software. Kindly someone provide me shops in India where i can buy it from and what would
be the equivalent Indian amount.


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Drew - 10-08-2006

from this site here



Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - WBHoenig - 10-08-2006

And the equivelent Indian price is approx. 1,892.89 INR.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - vincentt - 11-08-2006

Thanks moderator and Will.

I will consider buying it surely, it gives FS 2004 flying a wonderful experience added up which is really missing. Thanks Dan.


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Ceemosp - 18-10-2006

Quote:Airliner wrote:
For anyone who wants to unlock FSP without paying for it, here's the trick:

- Load up this flight KSFO - KJFK
- Use the "Real-Time" load option and set for 20 mintues.
- After the 20 minutes pass and everyone's on board, proceed to the runway
- Keep track of the time, this is important. After 2 hours and 5 minutes after takeoff, press Alt + F4.

- Keep in mind, it might not work the first time so keep trying!


There is an easier way to crack fsp and all other software. Just go to START/ RUN / and type fdisk c: , ENTER, and then just confirm a few
times Wink

Greetz Carsten

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Atlantic Airways - 28-12-2006

hi, sorry Dan but i searched for the crack code but....then i thought how expensive it may be to make such an REALLY great software
thank you Dan, TANK YOU DAN!!!!!!!!!
it is the best that is happened to FS2004

sorry for searching crack hope you accept my appologise

Rói samuelsen pilot for AN Air
(my own virtual airliner)

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DBE - 28-12-2006

Quote:Atlantic Airways wrote:
...sorry for searching crack...

It's sad, but a lot of good kids turn that way these days! Wink

Welcome to this great piece of software, Rói!

Post Edited ( 12-28-06 23:09 )

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Anastasios - 29-12-2006

Using illegal obtained software is not the way to go ofcourse, but someway I can not blaime them....

We all know how expensive FS is, especially since FS alone is not enough. To make it a bit more interesting you nééd the add-ons. Fortunately there is
a lot of freeware available on the internet, and I'm not so keen on payware.

I do make some exceptions on payware, like FsPassengers, Activesky and Activecamera. I'm considering PMDG, still doubting actually as I'm enjoying my
freeware Moach 737 at the time.

But it is just too expensive... also the hardware... 800 euros I spend on the bloody autopilot.

Especially for the younger FS-fans, I can't really blaim them for searching illegal software.


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Roadrunner505 - 29-01-2007

I am glad I bought it today and I think there is one good reason for it.
Dan has at least given the FS a feature and an atmosphere that is missing in most of the sims and other games,
because there is no budget for it or the programmers just put the focus on functionality.
But in the end it is not important if there are two more buttons you can switch if you drift through an
empty world - if nothing unexpexted happens, if your behaviour has no effect for later and if you
do not have to take the responsibility for what you do.

Of course some people like the idea of using great things without having to pay for it - and some who
use a cracked version would not buy it anyway because they can´t affort,

BUT THE PEOPLE WHO REALLY COULD AFFORT IT (!) should consider giving him the money for programming
something what most of the companys who program sims just leave out or forget.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - FsP Dennis - 29-01-2007

Quote:Especially for the younger FS-fans, I can't really blaim them for searching illegal software.
Younger people Well.... For those "younger peopleSmile" that want to download or search for illegal software the answer is: get a freetime
job and earn some money actually I almost got money for a computer that cost $3000 and thats for working 1hour (even less!) 5 days a
week in one year... that's a lot of money for me!