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Crash to desktop ? please read here: - Printable Version

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Re: Crash to desktop ? please read here: - TrystanV - 02-09-2010


I got fed up with all the CTD's and took a few months off. Since maybe a week I reinstalled FSPAX and the CTD'S continue just like before.

To give a little background, since the last time I have doubled my RAM and got a new video card. Hoping that this might fix the problem...which it
obviously didn't.

I run Vista 64X Home Premium, and as it is vista I obviously installed as an administrator. Someone previously said it might be because of FSX running
out memory I had 4 Gigs, now I have 8 and it still crashes FSX. So I now doubt it's the memory.

I did install the older version of UIAutomationcor.dll to prevent the FSX menu crashes so thats not the reason either. I there after checked to see if
I had duplicate AFCADs, which I didn't. I doubt it's because of complex scenery because the CTD's occur mostly when I'm at cruise and nowhere near my
custom sceneries.

The only thing I couldn't try was the edit voice pack thing which for some reason I can't get cause the link that was provided is dead.

Bottom line is I tried everything else that has been suggested in this thread and nothing works. Am I forgetting something or does anybody have a
solution, because I'm at end's wit here, I spent a pretty big amount of money to get this software and ever since the beginning I've been having
problems with it...really disappointing...

Trystan V

Re: Crash to desktop ? please read here: - TrystanV - 30-09-2010

Well its month later and not a single reply from Fspax staff....not impressed

Re: Crash to desktop ? please read here: - DavidK - 30-09-2010

I'm not sure there are any FSP staff, only fellow posters volunteering their time/effort to solve problems.

Unfortunately, I've only six weeks' experience using FSP (to be precise, FSPX) and have precious little knowledge about its workings.

Have you tried making an FSPX flight with all of FSX's display settings set to Low, Very Low or Minimal..? I haven't read the entire thread, so
apologies if this has been tried but I missed it being mentioned here.

David K

Re: Crash to desktop ? please read here: - sebastinho666 - 19-02-2011


I'm totally new, I'm always flying with fspx, but I always experience crashes (Fsx is closing with serious problem), pretty much every
second time I am flying.
I installed fsx on 2 different systems and this error occurs on both.
I just tried to look for updates, but fsx just went black for a time and then the I was back in the game without any message showing.

Re: Crash to desktop ? please read here: - Timsierramist - 18-07-2011

I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I've been trying to get FSPAX for fsx to work for about a week and have tried every suggestion and browsed every flight sim forum and tried mixing keyword
on google and e-mailed Dan the man himself a few days ago. I believe my CTD is unique in the fact that I can't even start FSPAX. All my FSPAX menu options work great, but when I
select a topic from the FSPAX menu, the game freezes with that "thinking" green circle and CTD's to desktop with a fatal error before restarting. I know Dan is busy, but this is something
I genuinely hope he responds to quickly. A lot of us can't use the product we bought. I know there are a host of factors that can contribute to this and I'm note necessarily blaming
FSPAX, but we need to find some real answers here folks, at least for those of us who haven't had our issue resolved by the very basic of solutions availae such as replacing a .dll file.
Save us Dan!

Re: Crash to desktop ? please read here: - Arnaldo Salgado - 18-09-2013

Windows 8 ... don't work!

Re: Crash to desktop ? please read here: - whiskey-zulu - 20-09-2013

Quote:Arnaldo Salgado wrote:
Windows 8 ... don't work!

Yes this is known, as the program was written for Windows XP. The people who have got it to work on Vista, 7 and 8 are lucky. Unfortunately, as the
Developer is on a long-term "AFK" there is likely not to be any further development to make the program compatible with newer versions of Windows.

Re: Crash to desktop ? please read here: - darrinward777 - 14-02-2015

Regarding out of memory errors( OOM) These errors are caused when you run out of Virtual Address Space ( VAS ) FSX is a 32bit program and during it's release in 2006
it could only run 2 gig before crashing. There is a way to get 4 gig max by putting in the HIGHMEMFIX=1 in the main fsx.cfg folder ( you can see a video on how to do this
on youtube. avsim also has a FSX tweaking guide. You can also download Process Explorer and run it while your in flight simulator to monitor the VS( Virtual Space)

Most crashes will happen over highly dense scenery were there is a lot of autogen. Try turning down the settings. Some payware aircraft may also have a big effect on
VAS. The VAS will flush over time but many times not fast enough depending where your flying and how much third party software you are running. I wish I could tell you
there was a way to get more than 4 gig of VAS out of FSX but there is not. When Dovetail releases a true 64 bit version then these problems will go away.

Note Do not confuse VAS with RAM. These are 2 separate issues.