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For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Printable Version

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Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Mud - 21-11-2005

Bet you have a crack for every game you have , go away troll somewhere else.
No discusion worth , bye and have fun with all your cracks.


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DBE - 21-11-2005

I'm Swiss, so I won't even bother to add to the does and don'ts in certain parts of the world... Grrr

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Dutch64 - 21-11-2005

You really live in a weird kind of dream world boy...
Just to summarize some words of you as some others did earlier already but i'm too "asthonished" that you keep trying to prove to yourself that what
you did was "right" and Dan was wrong by determining the price he did. ... "You didn't steal it, you just took it without paying". What's the
Since when is the best product the product which can be bought by aynone? Is that another narrow-minded rule which you made up on a rainy sunday
afternoon? Have you any idea what you're saying?
And well, you said you cracked it, so you have some "skills", and you said it was a very simple program, then why the h** don't you make a program
like this yourself? I'm sure it will be much better than what we all are using here! Poor us! Please, make a program for us like that and please let
us crack it then because that would only be fair...

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Nasder - 21-11-2005

I admit that I have used cracked games and use in present time, but only for evaluation purposes of the game itself.

For example, I download and crack it, try it out for a day or two, if I like it then I go and buy it. If I don't like it I uninstall it and toss away
the copy. I can not say that what I am doing is legal in any way. But at the same time, I wouldn't call what I do stealing (even though it kind of
is). I feel that demos never show you the product, it shows you like less than 10% of the game and it's features, so downloading the complete game
give me a better look at it. I never keep a cracked game longer than 2-3 days, after that it's removed, even if I liked it. Then I'm on my way to the
local software store. And if I didn't like it I deleted it and never speak of it again.

But what Dan did was great, giving us the full program, but limiting the area of use, so I got to see all the features before I bought it (even though
I didn't look at that many features, I knew after an hour of the demo that this was a must-buy and I bought it asap)

I'd also like to state that before this summer (1st July) I was allowed to download any game, crack it and play it forever and ever, download music
and movies too. But this changed in a new law. Before 1st july 2005, it was allowed to download and use but not share copyright protected material. I
don't know the laws in swizerland or where that dude came from, but it might be that they have a similar law that we had.

Using piracy to get away from paying for something good is to me idiotic. Using piracy to evaluate a game (they are very expensive) before buying it,
it might be wrong, but I feel that, as I buy the game it if I like it the software company don't lose money on me.

To end my little speech, or rant or what ever it may be called, giving my two cents. I'd like to say this.

If it's good, support it by paying for it and give the creator a pat on the back while saying; good job!

*pats Dan on the back* Good job!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Sovek - 22-11-2005

SIMPLE?????? what planet are you from? it took Dan at least a year to make this addon, if not more. And if its so simple why dont you make it
yourself??? oh wait, you dont know how.

And I got news for you, Ive been out of a job for the past 5-6 months now, I still managed to buy it, its called odd jobs. I will agree that the price
is a little high, HOWEVER that does not give you the right to pirate his software, and I wont agree that it's worth $15. Look at the competition
though, doesnt even come close to FSP, and their products are $30+

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SwiftFoxLit - 22-11-2005

Quote:I admit that I have used cracked games and use in present time, but only for evaluation purposes of the game itself.

Yeah, just like ive been "evaulating" photoshop CS2 for the last few months Smile

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DanSteph - 22-11-2005

Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
Hi everyone,
First of all hello to you.This is a player from Turkey and after reading the top text in this forum I wanted to add something that none can


I reviewed your reason and things they are wrong, perhaps it's you that can't see some things ?

On my personnal situation, you said you have $90 income, I personnaly had NO income
during last two years, I'm 40 old , jobless with a familly with two kids and my parents don't help me anymore... (since 23 years in fact)
Nothing to say that our debt have reached a number that is more money than you ever had in your life.

Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
and I saw that for this simple programme,the price of the FsPassenger is too high.

Simple ? A further look might be necessary here, FSP have more than 51'000 lines of C++/ASM code, (net without comments)
do you think that 1000 line do something and that the others are just here for the fun ? or the 1250 files in FSP doesn't serve
any other purpose than filling your hard disk ?
Ask my familly how many time they saw me during the 14 month of devellopment, I was working day and night
without holliday, week-end or whatewer of this kind.

Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
But,if you could sent price to 10$ or 15$,you would have been able to added another millons to that current millions man

Another false assumption: "we sell millions copy" "we are rich" for your information the best FS addons sell at about 4000 copy only
not more. Okay let assume FSP reach this count, this will probably pay back all my debt and what next ?
What about the incoming years ? I'm still jobless yet .

I'm not rich, I'll not become rich with FSP my car is still old and smoke after some kilometers and I still doesn't have a clue
how my familly will live in the future...

To become rich you must not dumbly do the work yourself, you must make the others work for you.

Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
But,if you could sent price to 10$ or 15$

$10... ? why not $5.00, the price of one sandwich here ? or $0 for what it matter ?
in this last case I have already done my duty and I spent already thousand hours of work for FREE
to bring pleasure to the simmer community, see my Orbiter addon: http://orbiter.dansteph.com/
(In case you think they have 1000 lines of code also, the DGIII have 26'000 lines and took me 6 month, (had a "best addon" award)
OrbiterSound took me about 4 month of work, also we don't speak about my free models for Virtual sailors
they aren't available anymore)

How many people that steal my work have done such an amount of free work for others ?

Most FS payware of the same range of FSP are more expensive. FSP got excellent review on computer pilot,
pc pilot, simmarket, someone even pointed "this is the best add-on to date"... $10 value ?

I know most people are good and do bad things only because they are unaware of the reallity.
Perhaps this above will help to point a few things.


[Image: fspcodecount.jpg]

Post Edited ( 11-22-05 02:50 )

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - sucuklu_bazlama - 22-11-2005

Quote:Sovek wrote:
SIMPLE?????? what planet are you from? it took Dan at least a year to make this addon, if not more. And if its so simple why dont you
make it
yourself??? oh wait, you dont know how.

And I got news for you, Ive been out of a job for the past 5-6 months now, I still managed to buy it, its called odd jobs. I will agree that the
is a little high, HOWEVER that does not give you the right to pirate his software, and I wont agree that it's worth $15. Look at the
though, doesnt even come close to FSP, and their products are $30+

As you to try the game really it is funny or not I did it.

And Dear Dan;really I was thinking that you were aiming much money like some big companies in IT world.You know what I mean.Also,I
sorry for this,but I liked your programme very much and I will buy it from you in sooner,this is my promise.

I had some wrong idea about your aims,but by your writings now I understand what I did false.I'm too sorry and please accept my
excuses.I will save money and I will buy from you.As you know I said I cant accept to not consider rights.I didnt consider your position and
status,but dont forget that I didnt have a bad idea.Even after cracking and using FSP I said myselves "okay this is nice game but I should
buy it".


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Nasder - 22-11-2005

Quote:Sovek wrote:

And I got news for you, Ive been out of a job for the past 5-6 months now, I still managed to buy it, its called odd jobs. I will agree that the price
is a little high, HOWEVER that does not give you the right to pirate his software, and I wont agree that it's worth $15. Look at the competition
though, doesnt even come close to FSP, and their products are $30+

In my oppinion, this software is worth more than $30+, it's one of the best out there, and if not the most original one. But I might be one of a kind,
if I like a product, I don't care too much of the price, I'll just live on pasta and noodles for a week or two to compensate the expense. (all though
this haven't happened yet, I got a nice overview of my budget and try my best not to exceed it)

Once you get a nice addon plane you really like to fly in FS9, this is the next addon to buy if you ask me, then some awesome scenery of the area you
fly in the most (in my case scandinavia) and then you can add more planes to your stock... I did the wrong way around though, LOTS of planes, some
scenery and then FsP...

And piracy won't help develop better software as the income gets lower and companies and people can't live on it. So support the software that you
like and use. And if you don't like a software, that's not a reason to use piracy, then you shouldn't be using the program at all :D

Good morning by the way

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - jboweruk - 22-11-2005

I thought the CTD issue was sorted ages ago.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Jetsgo - 26-11-2005

I think that this program is at a fine price, it's worth it. I've heard VATSIM ATC comment about it on voice; there wasn't much traffic, so
the pilot and ATC were talking about their programs. ActiveSky and FSPassengers were amoung their two favorites, they said.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - GrassHopper - 14-12-2005

i just purchase yesterday (13-12-2005)
i hope i like it

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SWAFO - 14-12-2005


Way to reinvigorate YET ANOTHER dead topic!!


Glad you bought the program, and mentioned you did so on the CRACK thread! Welcome to the forums! Smile

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Drew - 14-12-2005

wasnt exaclty DEAD seems its still sitting as a sticky at the top of the page lol

welcome to the fsp world Grasshopper - im sure u will enjoy

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - WBHoenig - 18-12-2005

I agree 100%. Why would you want to get it illegally? I have always been the one guy to actually buy the stuff, not illegally get it. MSFTs trying
to do the same.