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For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Printable Version

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Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - vollmey - 21-09-2005

Well, sorry to say but vollmey doesn't understand much English.

I've seen that it happens eyefly, but those represent maybe 2-5% of all the customers. That being said your right 2-5% FSP customers
crashing to the desktop might be to much, I get that. That still gives you no right to hack the program.

Tell me something you say that we attacked you instead of giving you some help, when did you ask for help????? You have 2 total
posts. The only thing in the first post I find that even comes close to asking for help is "So, in my quest to get this resolved, I ran
across a hacker who downloaded a hacked version of FsP and since I had read this thread before, I asked
him why he chose to use a hacked version which can cause him lots of problems and could carry undetected viruses.
" And the
second is defending your so called postion.

Where is the post saying "I need some help, I have the demo version and it keeps crashing to the desktop. This is what I have on my
system and system specs, any help would be greatly appreciated" Where is that post Eyefly????????

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - eyefly - 21-09-2005

Well guys,

I think I'll disregard the immature ones and wait for the CEO to reply. And I think that he will reply in an objective way and not as immature as what
I've heard so far since he knows that bad publicity can sink the best of enterprises. With only 44,000 downloads, a big portion of those in demos, he
needs all the help he can get. The immature kids posting 4 letter responses in this forum are not helping him at all. Bad for publicity.


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - vollmey - 21-09-2005

He has replied.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DanSteph - 22-09-2005

Quote:eyefly wrote:
Well, sorry to say but vollmey doesn't understand much English.

All others who can read, please follow these threads if you are interested.

All those are posts relating to crashing to desktop. So, this issue is a common thing with this software.

mmhhh sorry I think that the sentence "this issue is a common thing with this software" is really wrong.
you show 9 thread on wich 3-4 are solved already by latest version (kneeboard for example) some issue
also may come simply from scenery or others add-ons. Don't get me wrong I don't say that FsP can never
crash Fs2004 but I know my code, I heard the feedback and it seem it's a rare issue.

Even you would show 150 thread and we assume there was only 20'000 download instead of 44'000
that would be only 0.75% rate.... That doesn't sound as a "common" issue and make it very fdifficult to track
as a 0.75% rate would mainly mean that the root cause is not in FsP but somehwere else.

Again Fs2004 CTD are common with a lot of add-ons around.

Another wrong statement is that "I give up", I never give up and always try my best to solve problems
and satisfy the users, the latest version include more debuging information to help me track down CTD problem.
My main thought yet from my experience is that FsP DLL while it take place in memory may relocate some other DLL
( a normal process) and as some others dll may be badly coded (absolute adressing) they make Fs2004 crash.
I don't use dynamicall memory allocation at all so when the main loop run you get all the code executed 10 time
per seconds... why suddenly it CTD as nothing change in FsP code ? hard to track..

Anyway one may consider that some problem simply can't be solved because the problem may be
in the installation, in the PC, in the drivers etc etc... again even notepad can CTD on some machines.

One may also consider that debuging and OS, FS2004 and FSP (as the problem might come from any of the three)
while reading only 4 lines in a post may really be a difficult task. Some people often assume that they only need
to post that there is a problem and that's my task to dig millions line of code to find it without any informations.

About being offensive I'm sorry if you took it like that I don't think my post was offensive against you appart calling him "your friend"
(wich is not a crim nor an insult only a false assuming ?)
About other's writting everyone is responsible of his writting I don't see the link with the FsP sales,
Anyway the forum here are mostly friendly and the moderation is nice.

You may consider anyway that some of your writting where not really friendly to me (dev give up, common issue etc etc)
and last you may simply open a post with your problem giving as much information as you can (log.txt, system
when it happen etc etc) that would help a lot.

Thanks for reading Wink


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - supersonic9910 - 08-11-2005


I just wanted to say that X-mas is coming and for a present for me FsP and for Dan 35 bucks

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - protoplaser - 18-11-2005

THANKS , I am one with limited funds , but i am saving up to buy the full version cause i hate flying from san fransico but till then i guess i
will have to. it has made my flight sim great THANKS, DAN...

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - sucuklu_bazlama - 21-11-2005

Hi everyone,

First of all hello to you.This is a player from Turkey and after reading the top text in this forum I wanted to add something that none can

Before starting to write my opinions here please know me that I am the person who cares some values and considers some important
things likewise "rights",trade rights.Also,I appreciate Dan and each person who worked to create this uniqe programme,FsPassengers.

Dear SaVas,you say "consider developer's rights" but I dont think that the seller "considers customers".I have been student,moreover,I
have very less income.As soon as I saw the FsPassengers,I looked at the price of this programme and I seemed to me little
expensive.Maybe for someone here,it was and it is very very less,but I have 90$ income and the game costs 45$.Vell,I installed the demo
version,and I saw that for this simple programme,the price of the FsPassenger is too high.

Dear Dan,I dont know to how many people you already sold this programme,veybe hundres,maybe millons.But,if you could sent price to
10$ or 15$,you would have been able to added another millons to that current millions man.But you didnt consider this and as me
someone tried to find some serial that are works.Unfortunatelly,I tried to hack the programme and it took my 20 mins,and this is very pity
because I ran over your rights.Moreover,I found one serial over net which is working without any problem.

Consequently,I wont publish this small cracking file and that serial with user name over peer to peer programmes but when you
decrease the costs of the programme,I will buy FsPassengers even if I became bored from it.I will be waiting the sales...


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SaVas - 21-11-2005

Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
Hi everyone,

First of all hello to you.This is a player from Turkey and after reading the top text in this forum I wanted to add something that none can

Before starting to write my opinions here please know me that I am the person who cares some values and considers some important
things likewise "rights",trade rights.Also,I appreciate Dan and each person who worked to create this uniqe

Dear SaVas,you say "consider developer's rights" but I dont think that the seller "considers customers".I have
been student,moreover,I
have very less income.As soon as I saw the FsPassengers,I looked at the price of this programme and I seemed to me little
expensive.Maybe for someone here,it was and it is very very less,but I have 90$ income and the game costs 45$.Vell,I installed the demo
version,and I saw that for this simple programme,the price of the FsPassenger is too high.

Dear Dan,I dont know to how many people you already sold this programme,veybe hundres,maybe millons.But,if you could sent price to
10$ or 15$,you would have been able to added another millons to that current millions man.But you didnt consider this and as me
someone tried to find some serial that are works.Unfortunatelly,I tried to hack the programme and it took my 20 mins,and this is very pity
because I ran over your rights.Moreover,I found one serial over net which is working without any problem.

Consequently,I wont publish this small cracking file and that serial with user name over peer to peer programmes but when you
decrease the costs of the programme,I will buy FsPassengers even if I became bored from it.I will be waiting the sales...


And my retort is if you cannot afford it then dont buy it.

Because I cannot afford a Ferrari, doesnt mean I am going to go out and steal one because I like them and think I should be able to have
one too.

If I dont have the money for art paints, Im not going to go into an art supply store and steal the paint because I need it, or want it.

Not being able to afford it is NO excuse for stealing NONE. NADA.

Its because of the mentality that if one can find it on the internet somewhere free, then there is no need to buy it, that takes money from
someone that deserves it for hundreds if not thousands of hours programming that they invested.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Drew - 21-11-2005

also just to add, by posting a message on here, Dan now proberly knows your ip address, can trace your isp, and then onto your home
address etc, and you have just admitted to theft Smile

have a nice day

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - sucuklu_bazlama - 21-11-2005

And my retort is if you cannot afford it then dont buy it.

Because I cannot afford a Ferrari, doesnt mean I am going to go out and steal one because I like them and think I should be able to have
one too.

If I dont have the money for art paints, Im not going to go into an art supply store and steal the paint because I need it, or want it.

Not being able to afford it is NO excuse for stealing NONE. NADA.

Its because of the mentality that if one can find it on the internet somewhere free, then there is no need to buy it, that takes money from
someone that deserves it for hundreds if not thousands of hours programming that they invested.


Dear SaVa,

Also you dont sell Ferrari too,or any program that includes very huge database and very uniqe codes.To add,I cracked it by my hands and
now I say that when sales start,I will buy.I didnt steal your programme;stealing is getting something from someone without his or her
permission then selling it to someone.But i didnt share your cracked programme with someone and I wont do it.

But when it comes to suitable price level I will but it;unfortunatelly here is a marketing mistake.As you see,you couldnt market your
product to me even if it isnt a Ferrari man.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - JayKae - 21-11-2005

sucuklu_bazlama three words for you .... part time job, that is what I did in Uni and so many other with me as well. Save up for it, put your
small change aside until you have the money. There is NO excuse for piracy.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Drew - 21-11-2005

Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
and I saw that for this simple programme,the price of the FsPassenger is too high.


lollollol simple

sorry but that is very funny lollol

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - sucuklu_bazlama - 21-11-2005

Quote:Drew wrote:
Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
and I saw that for this simple programme,the price of the FsPassenger is too high.


lollollol simple

sorry but that is very funny lollol

Then enjoy :-)))

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Drew - 21-11-2005

Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
;stealing is getting something from someone without his or her
permission then selling it to someone..

maybe stealing is different in your country

Quote:steal ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stl)
v. stole, (stl) sto·len, (stln) steal·ing, steals
v. tr.
To take (the property of another) without right or permission.

the author (Dan) has NOT given you permission to the FULL product, only the demo, you inturn, have stolen it

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - sucuklu_bazlama - 21-11-2005

Quote:Drew wrote:
Quote:sucuklu_bazlama wrote:
;stealing is getting something from someone without his or her
permission then selling it to someone..

maybe stealing is different in your country

Quote:steal ( P ) Pronunciation Key (stl)
v. stole, (stl) sto·len, (stln) steal·ing, steals
v. tr.
To take (the property of another) without right or permission.

the author (Dan) has NOT given you permission to the FULL product, only the demo, you inturn, have stolen it

Okay guys :-) let me go.I only forwarded my opinions and what did I do.So,next time you can think little before seelling something.The
best product is the thing that can be bought by everyone.