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For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Printable Version

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Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Sovek - 29-08-2005

I think the real reason that this product took off like a rocket was the fact its the first of its kind, of sorts. Sure its bit expensive, but I cant
imagine flying without it, I made one flight out of SFO to some small airport in a cessna, Flaps got stuck cause I was going too fast when I lowered
them (I didnt know that at the time) and I was hooked, I couldnt stand flying out of SFO all the time, I was more intent on flying out of KMEM or KGSP
at the time, and found the money for it, never fly without it.

Another reason for the success of this product is that it allows you try all the features of the program before buying it, something other addons lack
alot of the time. I dont know about you, but I dont want to have to spend an arm and a leg just in order to fly a certain plane or use a program (more
so with FSUIPC.DLL). Dan built FSP without it relying on FSUIPC, and if Dan can do that, alot of programs can do the same thing.

And as mentioned before, alot of people have lousy customer support, They have decided they are going to stick up for themselves and profit from it
instead of fixing things that shouldnt be happening or bugs that shouldnt be there. Dan lives by a code that few people in todays world have or even
care about. I worked at the local McDonalds, it was terrible, not only did the managers not care about the people working there, they didnt care about
the quality of food that was put out either. I couldnt stand it. Dan and I live by the same thing, which makes this product rock.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Ruaim - 31-08-2005

Well, I did get FSPassengers for free, and thanks Dan - but I do confess it was a "free" copy from the publishers for the purpose of
reviewing FSpax - and you can all read it here.


I am also very against these hacks and cracks to get free software - without money coming in where is the incentive to continue! I
wouldn't work for free - would you?

I will be buying my own copy as a pledge of support!


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - jdenn4 - 02-09-2005

well i have to say it was a bit costly exactly what i paid for fs2004 and i will admit i do have a couple pirated programs, that there was no
demo to. how ever, I tried the edmo and had the full functionality of this program, and enjoyed it so much, i bought it, and thats my best
compliment to the designers and programmers, the fact that i was willing to spend more than twice what i would pay for add ons, tells
you that i thought this was a supperb program, and that it enhances flightsim!

Great job, and any one who takes hacked versions quit beingsuch a cheapskate and pay for it already!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Grome - 05-09-2005

Well.. Just a few words to say:
to make a good sales you should:
1) make a great product.

FSP is one. Though there are some misperfections, it brings sense to the MSFS, it brings the GAMEPLAY. Due to that I believe it to be a
Must Have addon. The additional Pro facator is a good support availabilities.

2) you should make a good publicity.

Let's face the truth - reg. FSP it is much lower the sea level.

3) You should make it possible for the easy and fast purchase.

BAD example: there is a payware VC10. (Though I believe that having the perfect freware VC's by David Malthby, paying GBR 30 for the
Virtual Cockpit makes no sense) This product can be purchased only with the few CC, issued mostly by UK based banks - that is a
commercial idiotism, to say the least.

4) You should put a fare price.

For the first look I thought FSP to be abit overpriced, but now, after I've tried it, I am not so sure of that.

And of course, in geneeral - that would not be the essential thing, but something that brings a new quality, pretty high, to the existing

And one should not be afraid of 'piracy' Most of those, who use the cracked versions would not pay for the official one - either due to the
difficulties in the purchase process (most common reason!), or see p.4 or some other reasons. But you should be sure that they will tell
those, who CAN and WOULD LIKE TO buy the product how good it is.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - KZLA-CH - 06-09-2005

I am an rabid supporter of copyrites and HATE people that infringe on them. It is because of hackers that software is so damned expensive. This
isn't just endemic to the software industry but music and any other form of recorded entertainment suffers as well. Whenever people offer me a 'free'
copy of their software I refuse and I will not ever hand over a copy of my software that I paid for to others. I wish they wouldn't even ask. Some
may say I am being a goody two shoes about it, but I say they are being stupid for not paying for it in the first place. Supply and demand will bring
the prices down to a more reasonable level if people would just do what is right!

You have created a fantastic program. My wife hates me now...but I love what FSP has done to my simming experience.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - lithicman - 10-09-2005

Hear! Hear! VERY well said. Thank you!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Morvious - 11-09-2005

Very well said!

When I first heard of fspassengers I laughed out loud. The first thing that came to my mind was "Why in your mothers name should a
pilot take control of the movie, food and drink service"
Then I went to the site, did read all the posts and I felt I was the only one missing this good software.
DisLike other add-ons (an airport, an aircraft) this product will be fun for ever. There is always the feeling to be 100% perfect, and thats
what this program wants you to do!

Most of the good addons I buy instantly without the demo, like I did with fspassengers. With most of them I don't regret, but there are
some that won't get any cent from me again.

Instead of the older days when I did not have this job, my fs was full with cracked programs/addons. These days however, you won't find
any on my pc. Why I did that is because I buy it for the support.

Ive spent many flight that crashed to desktop because an addon didn't do its job right. But with a crack you don't find any support.
Nowadays, ive spent a little more money, but it saves me almost every flight, and it gives you a lot more fun!

Thanks foor the good product Dan, it was worth every little cent of it!!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - eyefly - 20-09-2005

I'm new to FsP and I sure like it, at least the demo that I have. But I have some problems with it. Mainly it crashes to desktop continually. So, to
me it is not much use, really.

Okay, I read many of the posts here that deal with that issue and it appears to have no common answer. It also looks as if the developers have given
up on this and some of its defenders end up blaming FS for lack of answers.

So, in my quest to get this resolved, I ran across a hacker who downloaded a hacked version of FsP and since I had read this thread before, I asked
him why he chose to use a hacked version which can cause him lots of problems and could carry undetected viruses.

His answer was that the software causes him all kinds of troubles and has many defects. That young man feels that he should not have to pay for a
defective product and that until the bugs are worked out, it should be in the beta format and available for free.

Well, he may have a point. I don't know how many of you folks go to a car dealer to buy a new car and are happy when you find out that the car is

While I don't agree with this young man's views in justifying the hack, I believe that if we have to pay for a product, that product should be free of
defects. In my view, only Bill Gates gets away with that, LOL!

Believe me, I don't agree with downloading any hacked software. Not only because of the ethical violations, but because any hacker can insert viruses
and worms in the software just as well. Remember that people that go around to do evil will do evil. They have no code of ethics and they do not
regard even their friends.

But I would like to buy this software if it were free of all these problems. I don't want to buy a software and start patching it up. That's good for
Microsoft junk but not for decent software.

I gues that until its fixed, I'll keep on crashing the demo.

Your turn. Sayo-nara.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - vollmey - 20-09-2005

Mine has never crashed to desktop, never ever. Maybe it's something YOU have installed before you got to FSpassengers that are is
making it crash. It can be all of FSpassengers fault, could it?????? YOU need to be in control of what you put on and take off your
machine, blaming other software authors because the software does not work on YOUR machine for whatever is reason is very lame.

"So, in my quest to get this resolved, I ran across a hacker who downloaded a hacked version of FsP and since I had read this thread before, I asked
him why he chose to use a hacked version which can cause him lots of problems and could carry undetected viruses"

That has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever, ever heard. If your downloading FSP from this site your getting it off my server. I can gurantee you it is a clean version of FSP, no viruses or whatever else.

A totally ridcoulous post

Post Edited ( 09-20-05 22:14 )

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SaVas - 20-09-2005

I have to agree that downloading a cracked version because its "buggy, and should be free beta until all bugs are worked out" is aboutas
moronic as Ive heard.

I buy new cars when I buy a car. EVERY car I have bought has had some issue that required it going to the dealership to get repaired
under warranty, and more often than not several stops to the dealer over the course of my warranty. Well with his ideals about it being
buggy software and figuring using a cracked version is a better reason than buying it, I think I will go out and steal my next automobile.
Might as well because if I am going to be spending $30,000 USD + on a car that is going to have issues from time to time, I can save my
money and just drive off from the dealership some night and not pay for it until the next model comes out and they have worked out the
bugs the one I steal will have (granted that means I have to steal the next model too because it will have a fresh set of problems)

It sounds like that idiot just wanted free software. if its buggy, and he doesnt want to pay for it because he has issues with it, then why
bother even installing it IN THE FIRST PLACE? Think the product is buggy when you USE THE DEMO, then DONT install a stolen
(cracked) version and just uninstall the DEMO version. The DEMO is the SAME as the regular product you buy ecept you can only fly out of
one airport.

Sometimes I wish I could pour a bit of bleach into the gene pool of these hackers anc crackers and just obliterate them off the face of

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DanSteph - 20-09-2005

Quote:eyefly wrote:
His answer was that the software causes him all kinds of troubles and has many defects. That young man feels that he should not have
to pay for a defective product and that until the bugs are worked out, it should be in the beta format and available for free.
Your turn. Sayo-nara.

FsP was downloaded 44'000 time yet... still there is some bug of course, but FsP is stable on the great majority of machines
I would not say that there is massive report of crash that are coming from fsp.

FS2004 don't need FsP to crash himself and the cause maybe mutliple, the words "have many defect" is at best
insulting for me as many user never had any crash with FsP. When you have so much user even a program like
notepad might cause problems for some users.

If your friend have so much "kind of trouble" with my "defective" program I would be really worried to be
the root cause, so my advice it that he should uninstall it and not use it anymore.

Else, if it still use it, seem he don't have so much problems finally and he is just one moron that try to justify his stealing.

P2P users and user of warez justify often their action by claiming a "rebel" attitude against this economical
world, what they don't see is that they simply give food to people that claim for more security and they simply
destroy the small company as they can't afford piracy as the big company do.

We might simply end in an "all Ms" world so much secure that even when someone cough it will be recorded
in a database and the $0.10 taxe for a coughing taken directly from his account.

If you want alternate solution simply don't kill the alternative.


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - eyefly - 21-09-2005

Well, sorry to say but vollmey doesn't understand much English.

All others who can read, please follow these threads if you are interested.


All those are posts relating to crashing to desktop. So, this issue is a common thing with this software.

Now, Dan and the rest of the gang, I never said that that fellow is my friend. I never implied he is my buddy. You guys did because you want to
understand what you want to understand. I ran into him in another forum and I reprimanded him.
Of course, you may not know what that means since you didn't recognize it in my post.

Dan, you said:

"Else, if it still use it, seem he don't have so much problems finally and he is just one moron that try to justify his stealing."

I agree with you 100%. He is a moron justifying his stealing. And he is not my friend.

Now folks, Passenger57 said the following right above this thread:
I'm afraid to say that the hardcore cracked-stuff people won't care at all about these statements, in fact, regarding some high-priced so-called
"quality" add-ons released in the last years with desastrous after-effects (performance, customer support, bugs...) Though it might get me flamed,
I cannot even really blame them from my whole heart since MOST addons wont come with a demo/eval version, and more than a few used paying
customers as alpha- or beta-testers.

No, I do NOT agree with using cracked stuff for so-called "evaluation", though I understand it a bit, flightsimming is getting more and more
expensive and 30 bucks spent on crap are just 30 bucks lost. Though I can and will not agree, as long as satisfied users afterwards BUY that
original, I can and will not blame them either.

None of you guys jumped on him for supporting the crackers, but you jumped all over me for a simple statement. Did you read everything I said? Where
were you when I posted ? Daahhhhhh.....

The unfortunate thing is that you folks tried to pick a fight rather than trying to help. Not one of you asked one question concerning my setup or
what may have contributed to the problem.

Question: what is the average maturity of this group? 10? It sure looks like it.

Thank you for understanding. I knew you would.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SWAFO - 21-09-2005

Quote:Question: what is the average maturity of this group? 10? It sure looks like it.

Nope, we're all 8... good guess though Wink

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SaVas - 21-09-2005

I for one did not jump on you, just expressed my feelings about idiots that used cracked versions of software. I really wish we could throw
them in jail until they are old and wrinkled, taking away all their freedoms leaving only food (basics) and water, no TV, no cable, nothing
and for those that run P2P networks with the majority of illegitimate files, the firing squad, or stoning

Now, Dan and the rest of the gang, I never said that that fellow is my friend. I never implied he is my buddy. You guys did because you
want to
understand what you want to understand. I ran into him in another forum and I reprimanded him.
Of course, you may not know what that means since you didn't recognize it in my post.

Well, what forum is this? I would like to check it out read for myself this persons 'wisdom' on why he uses cracked software.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Jetflyer - 21-09-2005

[edit by moderator] removed offensive writting, please argu instead of wrtitting bad language